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          I pulled and pulled on the latch trying to get it open again, "MONICA!" I screamed in tears. Please not again...  Mikey grabbed onto the latch with me and helped me pull with all his might as we jolted back. 

20 seconds

The sound of the bus engine turning on sent a cold chill up my spine. Mikey looked at me with a worried expression and latch on hand. I stood up and carefully made my way to the front of the bus just as the gear shift switched to drive. "Fuck!" I cursed not being able to get through due to Cynthia's body and the blade that sliced her. I desperately tried to reach when the bus jerked forward and shoved all three of us back into each other. 

10 seconds 

Alvaro's collar began flashing and beeping while we tried getting to our feet with the bus at full speed not knowing where we were headed. "Mikey!" I shouted out eyeing the bullet in the small chambers of the collar. "Give me your knife!" The bus crashed into something sending me back onto Jessica's bloodied corpse. Mikey slid his knife toward me grabbing it and quickly scraped at the bullet. 

"Yes! YES!" I cried popping out the bullet just in time before the hammer shot back. Just one more to go, I had this. 

"How do you stop this!" Mikey yelled holding onto the front of the bus as he removed Cynthia's mangled corpse from the driver's seat. I quickly turned back to Alvaro when the last chamber shot through the side of his neck and into my shoulder. I screamed grabbing my shoulder in pain. 

5 seconds

"God, please help me..." I whispered through the loud sounds around me as we crashed into things we could not see. The bus jolted everywhere as Alvaro sat in his seat applying pressure to his neck and looking down at me. Blood poured through his fingers as he worded the words 'I'm sorry. "M-Mikey!" I choked out trying to get up. Mikey held on to the steering wheel trying to steer blindly when everything suddenlly felt light. I screamed as Alvaro fell on top of me and hugged me tight as we freefalled into whatever was waiting for us the the bottom. Water crashed through the front of the bus breaking through the metal that covered the bus. I gasped for air before the bus submerged deeper into the watery abyss. "Alvaro!" I gasped getting up and lifting him up for air. He was still breathing... "MIKEY!" I cried looking for him around the bus as i carried Alvaro on my back. Mikey popped his head up coughing and choking as he helped me push though a broken window. Sunlight... I pulled alvaro through as he helpedd me swim to a sandy shore. I laid Alvaro on the sand and cressing his cheek. "We made it..." I whispered. I turned to Mikey who was dragging himself onto shore leaving a bloody trail behind him. "M-Mikey your arm..." i weakly said feeling the blood loss in my body already. His left arm was completlely severed off. He looked at me and let out a sigh before letting his body collapse in the sand. My body shortly did the same as i looked off in the distance of the ocean. 

                           "Come on Troy just fucking follow me!" Monica whined leading the way down a dark tunnel. 

"We shouldnt have left the other behind!" He argued pulling her back by her shoulder. "That wasnt fair!" Monica slapped his arm away shoving him back.

"You really wanna go there?" she chuckled. "They died. We lived. End of story." Troy gulped as they both continued on.

"Where are we even going?" 

"This was our escape! So i guess we just keep walking." She sighed continuing on in the dark."Dont lag behind troy." Silence. "Troy?" She turns around and a person in a pig mask lunged and stabbed her neck. 

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