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                                                                             2 Months Later

               I arrived home with the help of my mom as she helped me to sit on the nearest couch. "I'm gonna go get your pain medication okay?" She sighed. "You want anything?" I just shook my head in response. "I won't take long." She sighed and walked out the door. I took my jacket off to reveal my whole torso bandaged up tightly as I tried getting to my feet. I walked over to my bedroom to lay down when I noticed my cell phone on my drawer. I grabbed it and looked through the messages hoping one of them would be Daniel, But my inbox was empty. I tossed my phone away from me as I plopped on my bed feeling so alone and empty inside. I was a nuisance to everybody around me and nobody wanted me in their life. I grabbed a small razor I kept in one of my stuffed animals by my bed and held it in my hand. I placed the razor on my wrist and looked at all my other scars, Some recent and some that were fading away. I let the blade cut my skin as I led it across my wrist with blood trickling down as my hand began to shake. The pain felt good as I kept doing more cuts.

"Nat I forgot that prescription where-" My mom came into my room and panicked seeing me cut my wrist as she immediately placed one of my shirts around my wrist. "What the fuck are you doing!"

"Wh-What I do the best mom..." I sighed trying to pull my arm away. "Let me go!" 

"You have to stop doing this!" she cried and took my blade away.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I argued pushing her away. "You were never there for me before don't start acting like you give a damn now!"

"I'm trying to help you, Natasha!"She said taking a stand. "You know I don't need to do this! I have my life to live! Why can you do yours right for once!"

"Then don't fucking do it!" I said leaning against my wall feeling a fiery pain at my sides."Leave me alone! That's all I want..."

"If that's what you want." She scoffed throwing my razor blade on the floor in front of me. "Next time, Do it right." She said and walked out of my room shutting the door behind her. I kicked my door in frustration and ripped off my posters and painting off my walls that I have done over my lifetime.

"FUCK YOU DANIEL!" I cried ripping pictures of us off my wall and ripping apart a bracelet and headphones he had given me. "I HATE YOU!" I screamed once everything in my room was completely destroyed. "Why me...." I sobbed at the corner of my room.

                     "You're just not what I want anymore." He mumbled not taking his eyes off his phone. We were at a bridge with the sound of cars speeding past below us. 

"What do you mean?" I gulped. "I did everything you asked me to do, I always made you happy-"

"Not anymore, you're just too... Blah." He sighed. "Look I'll be honest, I only dated you cause I needed to get back with my previous girlfriend. I needed to get her jealous and I had a perfect chance with you so... Yeah." He finished texting away on his phone.

"I thought you said you loved me.." I cried wiping tears away.

"Oh My God!" He grunted. "You really believed that? You are dumb. Jesus, maybe if you had let loose maybe I-"

"No!" I sobbed. "Is that all you wanted?"

"No one is gonna love a stupid girl like you, Face the fact." He sighed tossing back all the little love notes I have sent him. "You're not good enough for anybody. Maybe You should go die, Just a suggestion from everyone around you." He finished and walked the other way, Leaving me there in shock with my broken heart shattered right before my eyes.

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