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                                                                            5 Years Later     

                             "You think they'll make it?" Jessica sighed in the driver's seat as they were parked on the corner street of a quiet neighborhood.

"I don't know Jess." Monica Shushed sitting in the passenger seat looking out toward a house the boys had broken into. "The old geezers are out of town and they got loads of cash!, Just hope dumb and dumber can get to it without setting off the alarm." She said turning to Jessica who was sniffing some cocaine out of her hand. "Really Jess?"

"Shut the fuck up, Every since Troy's brother died I haven't been able to get the good stuff." She sniffed wiping away the evidence off her face. 

"Well, his brother DID die Jess." Monica sighed turning back to the house. "Give him some more time."

"Whatever," Jess said rolling her eyes.

"Here they come!" Monica said excitedly as she saw Ryan and Troy running to the car carrying a flat-screen tv and a duffle. Jessica started the car up as the boys jumped in the backseat and sped away as they cheered for their robbery success. "What we get!" Monica smiled turning to them.

"A sixty-inch plasma screen TV My girl!" Troy high-fived her as Ryan opened up the duffle with wads of cash inside.

"and a shit load of cash!" Ryan added throwing bills up as they cheered. "We are fucking rich!"

"Fuck yeah!" Jessica joined in. "Let's get some blow and some Dragon rock!" 

"Really Jess?" Troy's smile faded. "You're still on that shit?"

"Oh fuck! Come on Troy," She sighed. "We're fucking loaded and you wanna waste your money on charity shit or what?"

"My share is going to my Mama..." Troy gulped. "Ever since Marquis died, Things haven't been going well for her, That's why I do this. Not to get you fucking high!" 

"When the fuck are you gonna get over it, Troy!" Jessica snapped parking the car at a fast-food place. "He died-Move on!"

"Guys come on-" Monica said trying to calm them down.

"Move on?!" Troy said shocked. "After what they did to him, he entered the wrong hood and they shot him! Someone sent him or he was forced cause my brother knew to never enter that part of town-"

"Okay, Okay Chill guys!" Ryan intervened. "Calm down Troy. This is a good night, Jess ill buy you the blow. Let's just enjoy some food. Okay?"

                                             Things settle down once they were inside the restaurant eating some burgers and fries, Jessica and Troy were not talking to each other. Ryan grabbed a newspaper that was left at the table next to theirs.

"Wow." He chewed. "Tommorrow is the 5 year anniversary of those jigsaw murders. Wicked!"

"Yeah..." Monica sighed taking a sip of her drink. "It's not something I'd like to remember." 

"Says here.." Ryan continued. "Only one survivor actually made it out alive from all the murders. Nata-"

"Stop!" Monica snapped snatching the newspaper away from his hands.

"Geez, Whats wrong with you?" Ryan asked.

"Dude really?" Troy answered. "Remember Daniel? Monica was dating him."

"Oh shit, Sorry. I had no clue." Ryan sighed. "We good?"

"She didn't deserve to live..." Monica said to herself. "Daniel should have been the one to live. Not her!"

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