Two Homes

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Check who finally updated something! Since when did I get so slow? Like seriously?


Warnings: Sadness



Jefferson breathed in the fresh country Virginia air, there'll never be a scent quite like it. Breathe it while you can Jefferson. This is the last of it. What was he going to do with the land anyway? Sell it? That just hurt his heart. Let it sit here and eventually get confiscated by the government since he was officially a criminal on the run, unless everyone in the cabinet knew to keep their mouths shut. If they didn't, Lafayette was just as screwed in France as Jefferson was in America.

Focus. Worry about that later. Now he needed to pack and get out of the country before the government catches up with him. Or Hamilton.

He couldn't face Hamilton now. Not with knowing that he was about to leave his life forever. He barely managed the first goodbye without breaking apart, he couldn't do it again and Hamilton was no doubt hot on his trail. Whether it was to beat him senseless for his deceit or to hold him close and cry.

Jefferson didn't want to find out. It would be just as heartbreaking either way.

Jefferson walked down the halls, listing things off to be packed and sent off to France. His books being the main thing. He finally decided to let Madison decide what would become of his beloved Monticello along with the instructions to give every slave an education and set them free. Monticello wasn't going to be producing cotton anymore anyway and it was the right thing to do.

Jefferson stayed the night there before taking a carriage to the coast where he boarded a ship and left once again for France.

Hamilton made it to Monticello hours after Jefferson left and after interrogating the people there, set off for the harbor. He missed the ship by mere minutes, watching it pull out of the harbor and the winds catch the sails, carrying her out to sea and out of Hamilton's life forever.

Fuck that.



Just how Lafayette remembered it, well, it's was a little more bloody. And the Queen and King had lost their heads. And-


France was like a second home, after he'd spent so many years here. It was nice to return, even if it wasn't under the most pleasant circumstances. War was never pleasant, even if it was for all the reasons. The people hailed his return, throwing flowers, cheering, sending gifts, they cried out his name and pressed forward just to brush against his clothing.

Scary, right?

That meant that either word of Lafayette's other life hasn't reached France yet or Washington's cabinet kept their mouths shut. He prayed it was the latter but had the strong feeling it was the former. If it came to it, Jefferson would flee to Switzerland or England or Russia. China maybe. He didn't know. But for now, he had only one destination in mind.

He stood on the front step and rose his hand to knock on the wood, letting it fall sharply and waited. Seconds ticked by, feeling like an eternity, before the door swung open.


Lafayette smiled, "It's Lafayette, actually."

"Oh, of course. I should've known," the man said, pulling Lafayette in for a hug and clapping him on the back. "It's good to see you old friend."

"It's good to see you too, James," he replied, hugging Monroe back. "How's France treating you?"

"Just fine, getting awfully bloody though. I'm surprised you came, I figured the most you would do is try and win some support for France. I thought you left Lafayette behind"

Lafayette scratched the back of his neck, "Actually, I did try. And I failed, so now I'm here because no matter how hard I try to deny it, I am the Marquis de Lafayette and he would do everything in his power to help."

Monroe nodded, "Well, it's good to have you back, as both Jefferson and the Marquis. Either way, you're my friend and fond of wine and I happen to have a freshly opened bottle inside if you'd like to join me," Monroe offered, stepping out of the way of the door to permit Lafayette entry.

"I'd like nothing more," Lafayette grinned, stepping inside.

They both settled comfortably in the living room, sipping from their wine. "This brings back memories," Monroe said fondly, "We just need Laurens and Hamilton."

Lafayette smiled sadly. "The good old days when it was only about surviving to the next battle and having a good time with close friends."

"To the good days," Monroe toasted.

Lafayette rose his glass, "To the good days," he echoed, taking a drink.

"Remember when I first met you as Lafayette and I talked all night about you? As Jefferson? That must've been so awkward for you."

Lafayette laughed, "Actually, I didn't remember being Jefferson then so it was all very entertaining."

"What about all the times after?"

"Yeah, you never really shut up."

Monroe laughed, "I aimed to be like you."

"Ew, bad idea."

"I discovered."

Lafayette laughed good naturedly.

"You know," Monroe continued, "Morris is here as well. He leaves in a coupled weeks to return to America but we should be sure to invite him to a drink as well."

"Sounds good, but for now, I should focus on helping France. Any idea where to start?"


Right now, the most Jefferson could do was try and keep the crowds under control, which worked for a while since they all loved and respected him so much. But as their thirst for violence grew, so did their annoyance with Lafayette preventing it. He was too late to save the royal family but he wasn't too late to save certain innocents. Lafayette went as far as to step in front of a cannon right as it was about to fire.

Luckily, he did not get blasted to pieces and the people halted.

He got offered the lead position of government several times but turned it down each time, feeling the people should lead themselves. He knew Hamilton would yell at him for not jumping at the opportunity.

Lafayette's thought often strayed to Hamilton but did not have time to dwell on them as he was constantly being called upon to deal with one disaster or another. Though Washington and his cabinet seemed to have kept Lafayette's secret, they still did not send aid, though Washington expressed his regrets for not being able to.

Deep down, Lafayette knew that the United States should stay neutral but he couldn't help but be bitter about it. Monroe and Morris helped in every way they could but could only do so much since they were Americans and weren't technically supposed to get involved. As weeks passed, Morris finally said goodbye and Monroe and Lafayette saw him off at the harbors as he sailed back to America.

Lafayette wished he could go with him.

He had too much work to do.

Honestly, Lafayette was doing okay. There were days that were absolutely horrible and he liked to drown them out with obscene amounts of wine. Those were typically the days he had the time to think about Hamilton.

He was just pouring his first glass on one of those days when a knock sounded at his front door. He walked over, glass in hand, swung it open, "What is it now-"



Heads or Tails? - Jamilton/Hamlafحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن