A Winter Ball

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Patience everyone. Almost there.

Who remembers the smut warning signal? Well gold star for those who remember because I'm changing it.

It's now this:


For rated R because why not




Imagine for just a second that you've been given the largest command in your career and then given an irreplaceable part in a battle that could turn the tides of a war you hold close to your heart. Imagine that everything is going perfectly until cowardly imbecile refused to press the enemy when their weak and there's nothing you can do about it since you're outranked and you watch as the battle crumbles along with the hope of the war.

Because that exactly what happened at the Battle of Monmouth. Charles-fucking-Lee. If Washington hadn't been right in their tail instead of a day March behind, the entire battle would have been lost.

Washington rode up in his horse, Hamilton and Lafayette right by his side. "General Lee! What the hell do you think you're doing? This is insubordination! Never in my life have I seen such damnable behavior from a fucking General. I'll have you court martialed for disobedience of orders in not attacking the enemy, misbehavior before the enemy, and making an unnecessary, disorderly, and shameful retreat. I should never have deprived Lafayette the head of this battle and given it to you. To the rear of the fucking column," Washington raged.

Lafayette looked to Hamilton, "That was the most delightful thing I have ever witnessed."


"Will you be attending the ball General Schuyler is hosting?" Monroe's asked Lafayette as they lounged in front of a fire with a couple glasses of wine.

"Of course. How could I possibly miss it? Will you be attending as well?"

"I've heard rumors that Thomas Jefferson will be there. He was invited, I'm hoping to see him again after so many years."

Lafayette nodded, "I hear the Schuyler sisters are a real catch."

"A pence says Hamilton and Burr will be all over them," Monroe grinned.

"Those two are womanizers if I've ever seen one."

"Did you hear about Laurens' engagement?"

"Yes! I'm very happy for him. He found a lovely woman, though I'm honestly surprised by it," Lafayette said.

"May I inquire as to why?"

"Not entirely sure," Lafayette waved off the question, "Just surprising is all."


Hamilton walked into the Schuyler house for the second time in his life and was immediately amazed by the entire ordeal. It was lovely to see the so many beautiful ladies all in one place, dressed for the occasion. He wore his uniform, making sure he was in every way presentable.

"Hamilton!" Burr greeted, walking up and grasping his hand firmly, "It's been ages!"

"Burr! How has it been? I've heard great things about since we last met. War hero?"

"It's nothing, really. Quite the ball, isn't it?"

"Indeed so. General Schuyler has really outdone himself."

"It wouldn't be a real ball without his beautiful daughters."

"Too bad Miss Angelica is already married," Hamilton said.

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