Back to the Battlefield

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Look! I've returned! *Whispers* I've come back to my own battlefield yessssss

Is everyone still alive?

Who's ready for the next chapter of Heads or Tails, featuring an extremely flirty Frenchman?





"Monsieur Hamilton!" Lafayette greeted, walking into Hamilton's tent.

"Major General!" Hamilton greeted with a grin, standing from his work station as Lafayette strode forward and embraced him. "What brings you to my tent?"

"As much as I wish it were to engage in showing you my affections, it is, sadly, to wish you well and deliver my farewells."

"Has it really been a month?"

"Oui. I set out with Général Greene within the hour."

"That sounds like plenty of time to engage in promiscuity," Hamilton grinned.

Lafayette busted out laughing, "Is that an invitation?"

"Serve me a glass of wine first and we'll see."

"Ah, easily done-"

Someone came into the tent, cutting Lafayette off accidentally, "Major General, General Greene is ready to head out."

"Ah, merci, I shall be there momentarily. Wait for me outside, yes?"

"Yes, Sir." The man stepped outside.

"This is adieu then," Lafayette smiled, turning back to Hamilton.

"I pray we cross paths again," Hamilton said.

Lafayette closed the space between them and embraced Hamilton. "I will miss you dearly, I shall write you every chance I get and pray my letters are not lost in that pile on your desk." Lafayette pulled away slightly as Hamilton chuckled. "Now I must say adieu." Lafayette pressed his lips to a startled Hamilton's before striding out the door laughing. "Adieu, I pray you remember me!" he called over his shoulder as he disappeared.

"God damn that bastard," Hamilton mumbled, turning and going back to his desk, "leaving me hanging like that. Son of a bitch." Hamilton spun on his heel and shouted at the top of his lungs, "YOU BETTER NOT DIE YOU FUCKER."

Distant cackling what his only response.


Lafayette met General Greene and was astounded by how well they got along. They both adored the intellectual conversation they were able to convey. Despite the large age gap, General Greene was surprised at how well he got along with Lafayette and the two formed a friendship during their travels. Lafayette was ecstatic to learn that Greene spoke French as well, though not as well as Hamilton or Monroe. They often held conversations in that language. Lafayette loved the feel of the language on his tongue again.

General Green and Major General Lafayette crossed the Delaware into New Jersey, landing northward of the British force led by Cornwallis that was currently camped at Gloucester. For the first time in Lafayette's life, he now held a battlefield command. He was responsible for the lives of four hundred riflemen that now looked to him.

Lafayette led his men to Gloucester, posting pickets along the way to secure a path for retreat. He didn't want to enemy circling around and cutting them off, which would no doubt end in Lafayette's entire force being utterly destroyed. Lafayette then sent scouts ahead to estimate the size of the force camped at Gloucester, him being on of them. His aide was most distressed by this and protested. Lafayette paid him no mind and crept into the firing range of the British.

Heads or Tails? - Jamilton/HamlafOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora