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Sorry, this took so long. I kinda died for a case you didn't notice my inactivity. I love you all and I'm so happy you're enjoying the story so far.

ALSO, BE WARNED there is a bit of a time skip just in case that isn't clear. Why? Because I like to torture you all


Warnings: heh heh heh oops.


"Lafayette's coming home from France?" Laurens asked Hamilton.

"Yep, he succeeded in getting an alliance for French aid. He returns with Rochambeau and the French navy."

"We might win this war yet," Monroe stated. "It's a shame that you'll be in South Carolina by the time Lafayette returns, John."

"I'm sure we'll get the chance to meet again," Laurens said passively.

"I'm hanging onto the same hope with Thomas Jefferson, yet it seems every opportunity eludes me," Monroe said, "Take any chance that comes your way, Laurens, you never know when it might be the last."

"So grim," Hamilton remarked. "I'll tell you what though. Jefferson makes a horrible Governor. No disrespect, of course, but many would do better in his place."

Monroe scowled. "I'd like to see you do better. Not only does he have to rally the Commonwealth against invasion by lead elements of the most powerful army and navy of the world, but also deal with the ruined state economy, runaway inflation, endless calls for supplies and troops, a despised conscription policy, the list goes on. What do you expect? A miracle?"

"I can dispute each of those claims easily but I'll focus instead on his lack of public appearance. He does almost everything by letter. He could be in another country for all we know. He's practically inactive. The role of Governor is one of publicity."

"The role of Governor has virtually no power at all. For it being his first real executive position he is doing fine."

"He's doing poorly. He's solved nothing and can't even make an appearance to announce that it'll improve. A man who hides behind his office is no man at all."

"How dare you," Monroe leaped from his seat. "Jefferson is the greatest man I've ever had the pleasure to meet and I have been given the greatest honor of learning from him even if it was for a short time."

"Yes, a great man who disappeared, abandoning his friends and vanishing into the void where only one person, it seems, can draw him back out. That doesn't sound very great to me."

"You, Sir, do him wrong, should he be standing here I'd urge him to challenge you."

"Gentlemen," Laurens interrupted, "please, let these matters lie and let us return to the peaceful night and our wine. Arguments will upset such a perfect night as this, it shouldn't be wasted."

Monroe watched Hamilton as he said, "You're right Laurens, this is too nice of a night to spend squabbling with friends. Isn't that correct Alex?"

"Rightfully so," Hamilton responded as Monroe sank back down into his chair.

Laurens sighed, "Lafayette always made nights like this more fun."

"That's because he'd have downed six glasses by now and flirting shamelessly with Hamilton," Monroe said.

"Or a tree," responded Hamilton.


When Lafayette's feet hit American soil again, the first thing he felt was relief. Relief to finally be in one country instead of juggling both. He felt like he aged fifteen years in the one but as soon as he saw the American flag flying proudly, he felt energy flood back into his dead haggard body.

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