The Marquis de Lafayette

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Welcome to my latest fic! In this universe, Lafayette and Jefferson are not two different people but are actually the same person and it's all very complicated but don't worry about it.

If you've read my Basking in Candlelight series, hello again! I hope you enjoy this fic just as much as that one! But there is one question you should ask yourself, do you trust me? heh heh heh. And yes! I am procrastinating writing the sixty-first chapter for that because I can 


Warnings are posted at the end of the fic to prevent spoilers. If you need them for anything, be sure to check them because I have a tendency to turn dark at the flip of a coin.


Heads or Tail


He felt like an entirely new person. His boot covered feet hit the ground of South Carolina and he could suddenly breathe again. Air filled his lungs for the first time in what seemed like an eternity. He sucked in a large breath, taking in the scents of this new land.

The Marquis de Lafayette had just come from France to serve in the American Revolution, the year was 1777.

That's who he was and that's who'd he be for the rest of his life. Thomas Jefferson didn't exist anymore. It was better this way.


"Marquis!" a small figure shouted, running toward him, a bunch of papers flying from his arms as he waved. 

Lafayette laughed, "Monsieur Hamilton!" he greeted, his French accent thick, "Comment allez-vous (How are you doing)?" Lafayette hadn't been in the army long and he was still struggling to remember to speak English, everyone thought it was because he didn't know English that well but in reality, he knew it very well. He was just used to France, that's all. But it was one reason he was glad for Hamilton's presence, he spoke fluent French so he never had to worry about being understood when he was around and when he slipped up and spoke French around others, Hamilton automatically stepped in as translator. 

"Pas mal(Not bad)," Hamilton answered, coming to a stop in front of Lafayette.

"De quoi avez-vous besoin(What do you need)?" Lafayette asked kindly. 

"I've got a letter for from General Washington. Just the layout of the next battle. Nothing major really, you're not in it, like always," Hamilton informed, digging through the parchment in his arms and pulling out a thick envelope for Lafayette and handing it to him.

Lafayette sighed. Not involved. Just like always. The General kept saying the moment would come when he could prove himself but one had yet to arrive. No one knew his skill so no one really knew what to do with him.

"Is there a problem?" Hamilton asked.

"Je suis venu servir (I came to serve), not sit by and watch. I want to fight for this country, its people. How can I do that if I'm never on the field?"

Hamilton smiled understandingly and slapped him on the shoulder, "You're time will come. At least you're not an over glorified secretary."

"At least you do something."

Hamilton chuckled, "Yeah, fight with Congress all night. Trust me, Marquis, you'll get your chance. Look over the papers I gave you, I've got to deliver the rest of these," Hamilton said, waving goodbye and scooping up all the papers he dropped as he walked away as if he'd done it a million times.


Lafayette was standing next to Washington when it happened. The news that their lines were collapsing and if they fell back into a disorderly retreat, the British would have them surrounded and capture the entire Continental Army, ending the war.

Heads or Tails? - Jamilton/HamlafOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant