Wine Glasses

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Alright! What'd y'all think of the last chapter? Favorite lines? Did you like the music I included?

Also, I know you're reading, you know who you are, read the chapter title again. Got it? Okay, good, because fuck you.


Warnings: None?


Jefferson watched from the doorway as Washington dragged Hamilton away. Maybe he went a little over the top. There were several insults he didn't entirely mean, but it hurt when Hamilton hit him with the war card. It didn't matter though, it's not like Jefferson could ever claim all of his accomplishments as Lafayette's with all the laws he broke doing it. Hamilton couldn't know he was Lafayette, no one could. The best he could do was watch and wait.

God, he was starting to sound like Burr. Where was that little miscreant anyway? Surely he was around here somewhere. Nevermind, Jefferson didn't want to know because as soon as he started wondering, Burr would show up and that's the last thing Jefferson wanted.

"Mr. Jefferson?"

"GODDAMNIT ITS LIKE FUCKING BEETLE JUICE," Jefferson yelled to the sky.


"Hey Burr, what'd'ya want?"

"Lots of things but none that are really concerning to you right now."

"Jee, thanks. Is there a reason you're here then?"

"No, not really, I just felt the strange urge to appear suddenly just to ruin someone's day. Any idea whose?"

"Not a clue. Try Hamilton."

"Good idea." Burr walked away toward where ever Washington was because everyone knew Hamilton wouldn't be far off.

Hamilton walked back into the room from the opposite direction Burr walked toward. "Oh Washington, you poor soul," Jefferson murmured.

"What?" Hamilton asked.

"Burr went looking for you and went off in Washington's direction."

"Oh shit, I feel bad for the guy."

Jefferson nodded.

"Listen, Jefferson, we need to talk," Hamilton stated suddenly.

"Oh? What about?"

"My financial plan."

"Oh dear God, anything other than that."

Hamilton's first thought to that statement was, okay, let's talk about why I hate you with every fiber of my being but yet can't stop looking at those delectable lips. "Not optional. It's got to be discussed and settled," he said instead. Frankly, Jefferson would have much preferred Hamilton's other idea of conversation.

"Fine. Dinner. You and me, tonight. I'll cook."

"Great. Bring Madison too."

Jefferson inwardly cursed. "Deal."

"And not Macaroni and Cheese."

"Why does everyone think that's the only thing I eat?!?!" Hamilton gave Jefferson a pointed stare. "Fine, not Macaroni then."

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