Chapter 12

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A/N: Before reading this chapter, just know that in your life, you will meet people who are the shittiest of the shit. People who are fcked up and those that had hurt your feelings. So I'll tell you this... Ignore them. Damn them. They aren't worth your time. Erase them out of your life! Imagine them drowning in a sea of fire! Imagine them suffering for all eternity!!!

^.^ Anyway, Please enjoy? 😢

You are your own person, you should be able to do whatever you want. No one should tell you otherwise.

When stars falls, they have the right to get back up, where it belongs.

They deserve every right to be its own person. Let it be known, that they are capable of discerning what's right and wrong.

But in a larger sense, individuality cannot compare to the concept of what it serves for. Individuality only serves for a greater purpose to give one purpose in life. To live its life to a fullfillment with desire and pleasure.

But to Lucy, her individuality was destroyed long ago, and she had struggled to build up a new one, where she will not be haunted by her past. But her foundation was weak.

Foundation made of sand, easily destroyed with a gust of wind or a wave passing through.

And she had enough of it.

Erza refused to let Lucy do what she wanted. She refused Lucy to do what was her own business. Plain example that her individuality was already lost.

Lucy silently sobbed as she leaned against her cabinet, burying her face in her knees, wishing it all to be over.

She want it to end.

"Lucy?" A voice rang out in the silent, as opposed to the silent sobs heard.

Erza walked in with alarm when she heard a large crash and noted a drawer out of place on a ground. She looked around until she sees Lucy huddled against the cabinet, visibly shaking.

And she immediately knew why.

"Lucy." She called out.

A slight hiccup was her only response as Lucy continued to cry.

Erza wondered what she should do in instances of anyone crying like this. Is the method the same when someone is depressed?

She doesn't have time to look through books to know what she should do. She needs to act fast.

With a deep breath, Erza walked forward cautiously as sat next to Lucy and stared at her beautiful blonde hair. "Lucy."

"L-Leave me alone", The blonde sniffled, leaning away a little.

Erza sighed a little. "Is everything okay?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I love you."

...What? Erza frowned. Where did that come from? But it did gained Lucy's attention.

Lucy turned her head to look at Erza. "What?"

Erza silently swallowed and looked at Lucy. "I said I love you."

"I know what you said, but why?"

Eras frowned at Lucy, wondering why she is trying so hard to reject her and her other friends. "Because I enjoy out talks. Your company. And you are never afraid of anything... Except for spiders. But you're brave."

Lucy scoffed and looked away. "Lies."

Erza looked at Lucy for a couple second before asking, "Why were you crying?"

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