Vir Dirthara

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It had turned into a race of sorts. Laisa and Solas were going to continue slowing down the those who had found their way into the broken elven library. They were running after the Qunari, and were followed by the Inquisitor and her friends. They had opened the new paths for Lavellan to follow. It was beautiful, Laisa thought, and tragic. The eluvian opened into a hall of countless books, shelves rising up the ceiling. There were pages scattered across the ground, and a long table down the middle.

"Welcome to the Vir Dirthara." Solas sighed, "The living knowledge of the ancient empire. Imagine it as it was: the libraries of every city, the wisdom of every court, all in one place, open to all. Now it lies in disarray."

"What happened?"

"I did." His reply was terse. "This place was forged from both the Fade and reality. When I separated them, I destroyed this place. The paths would have broken down. The knowledge of a world...lost."

"What about the elves who were here?" Laisa asked.

"They'd have been trapped." He stared into the distance.

The whole place had seen great catastrophe...that much was obvious. The library was scattered, floating islands where pathways were long since lost. It was a ruin, the stonework coming apart, loose blocks crumbling beneath their feet. Some of the islands were upside down, others on their sides, dizzying. A statue of Fen'Harel stood in the distance. As they crossed a walkway, a dimly glowing spirit appeared. "Who is that?" Laisa frowned.

"Fear not, da'mi. It's the librarian. A spirit of study." Solas said calmly.

"Visitors. Patrons. Welcome. The halls are open." The spirit declared warmly.

"What are the Qunari doing here?" Solas asked.

"They seek to understand the Veil. The Viddasala brings mages and scholars for study."

Solas closed his eyes for a moment and when they opened, they glowed with that brilliant blue light she had seen him use only fleetingly. The raw power shining out sent a thrill of fear down her spine. "It is done." He said so softly that she wasn't even sure that she had heard it. He met her questioning gaze. "I have woken all of the librarian spirits from their long sleep. Many are...unwell. They will keep the qunari here busy long enough for the Inquisitor to take care of them."

Passing through another library, they ran past the Qunari, jumping through an eluvian. A curved tree of metal glowed with green light, reminding her of the Inquisitor's mark. "How do you think Lavellan is doing?" She asked Solas.

"She is dying." He said flatly. "Watch out!"

He leapt one way, and Laisa leapt the other as the Qunari poured out of the eluvian behind them. Solas blasted the first with fire, and he tumbled straight over the edge and into oblivion. Laisa drew her daggers, dodging the first swing of the hammer coming her way. Her feet stumbled back, perilously close to the edge. She blocked a blow, her arms trembling with the strain.

Ducking under the warrior's arm, she spun around, one of her slashes striking true, blood squirting from a wound. The ground felt unstable beneath her feet. She ducked as the weapon swung over her head, but another warrior kicked her hard in the side, sending her sprawling.

Her head suddenly hung over oblivion. She tripped the first qunari to come at her, but was still gasping for air, bruises blossoming along her side. "A little bit of help would be nice!" She yelled out, rolling out of the way of another blade.

In Search of a Wolf - The Elves of Fen'Harel Book 1 (Dragon Age)Where stories live. Discover now