The Chargers

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Harith and the others were still sitting around, wounded and exhausted when the eluvian activated. Light shone out from it, the glassy surface undulating like water in a stream. He shot to his feet, breathing hard with anticipation as a figure stepped out of it. "Shadow!" He cried out in relief as the eluvian closed behind her.

Laisa was still covered in dried crusty blood from the battle. She was shivering, her face ashen, eyes a little glazed. "Thank the gods." Swift said, racing and embracing her. Her face was uncovered. She didn't seem quite focused as her friend held her close. "I prayed you weren't dead."

"There's not much point in prayers anymore." She mumbled. She took a deep breath, grounding herself, looking around at the frightened, wounded faces. "Is everyone alright?" She asked, her voice a little stronger.

She'd been crying. Harith noted. He wanted to run to her, comfort her, but something held him back. Perhaps it was the fragility she was hiding beneath the shaky façade of control. "General, where have you been?" Someone asked.

"I was saved from the qunari." She said hollowly, "By Fen'Harel."

"What?" Harith burst out.

"He came through the eluvian and killed the Qunari." Laisa was shaking, "And he took me with him."

"What was he like?" Swift asked in awe.

"Indescribable." She whispered. She took another breath, before walking over to Harith. "Harith, about Canon..." Tears flowed down her cheeks. Harith felt himself begin to cry too. He wrapped his arms about her waist and the two of them just stood crying. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know her as well as you, but she was amazing."

"Thank you." He whispered back.

"Is there room for me in all this love?" A deep amused voice said. Crunch, still badly wounded unsteadily crossed the room. Harith saw the look of shock on Laisa's face that she hid quickly, stepping forward to embrace him. "I'm glad you're alive, Shadow." He murmured.

"Same." She forced a smile. "Are you feeling alright?" She gingerly touched his ruined face.

"No." He shook his head, "But are any of us?"

"What's the plan?" Harith asked, slipping a grey mask into Laisa's hands, the one left behind when she'd gone through the eluvian. She placed it on her face immediately, locking her emotions away beneath it.

"Time to leave this place." She declared, "We've fought enough. We're going back to the mansion."


They had been travelling for two days, the survivors, across Orlais. They were resting in what felt to Laisa like the middle of nowhere. She was coping, despite having her heart smashed into a million pieces. It would have been easier if he had died, she had reflected, because at least she could have treasured the memories of their love. But with Solas's rejection, all of their memories had soured. What had he wanted from her? What had been the point of it all?

"Mind if we share your fire?" A voice called out to them. They leapt as one to their feet as a qunari strode towards them, followed by a motley of companions: humans, elves and dwarves. Their leader was a hulking giant, revealing his muscular chest, bare above dark trousers, an axe strapped to his back. His skin was a mottled grey, and great horns, like a dragon's, curved out from his head. There were deep scars grooving his face, and one eye was covered by a black patch. "My name is the Iron Bull, and these are my men."

In Search of a Wolf - The Elves of Fen'Harel Book 1 (Dragon Age)Where stories live. Discover now