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Arana was erasing their tracks as they fled, but it was clear that the fire wouldn't slow the Inquisition down for long. Laisa was flagging, barely able to stand without her friend, but she pushed on, forcing herself to stay conscious, to make her legs go onwards. It was as if there was a fire in her limbs, burning her from the inside out into nothingness. The pain was overwhelming, and some of the wounds were starting to bleed again. She swayed, her legs beginning to collapse. She could see the panic in Arana's eyes.

That was when an elf dressed in grey and a grey mask appeared as if out of nowhere. "Need a hand?" He said. Laisa could have cried, it was laughable that he would be here only an hour after she was to be executed. "I'd come to rescue you, Shadow, but someone else seems to have done that for you."

"She rescued herself." Arana gasped for breath. "I just helped. I am Arana."

"I know." The grey elf said wryly. "I've a carriage waiting and we can leave at speed." He lifted Laisa bodily into his arms and ploughed on towards the closest road, Arana leaving false trails as they went. Too weak to speak, Laisa closed her eyes and rested until they reached the carriage, where four more grey elves waited, two on horses, and two driving the carriage, all of them armed. "I have her. And another." He called out to them. "Let's get to the safe house."

Harith removed his mask and hood once the three of them were inside and on the move. Arana gasped, "I should have known you'd get her into trouble, Harith."

"And now I'm trying to keep her safe. It's good to see you." He smiled at her briefly, before examining Laisa with concerned eyes. Her eyes were half-closed, but she could still hear them, "Can you heal her?"

"Her body, yes." Arana replied softly, "She has cuts and bruises all over her body, broken ribs, a concussion and she's in shock. But her state of mind...they starved her, humiliated and tortured her. Tonight they planned to execute her." She paused, "Where are we going? Who are you people?"

"That is a long story." Laisa fell asleep as they continued their discussion.

She woke in a bed, soft and plush and warm. Someone had changed her clothes and cleaned her up, and healed her injuries. She felt dizzy and groggy as though someone had been plying her with sleeping draughts. The room was simple and clean, smelling like beeswax and lavender. Slowly, she climbed from the bed, and stretched out her limbs. "How do you feel?" Harith called out, lounging in the doorway. "You look better." She said nothing. "You were in a pretty bad way when I found you. Arana used her magic to make you well, and we thought it'd be best if you slept for a while."

"Is Arana alright?" Laisa said, "She risked everything for me."

"She's fine." Harith smiled, "She's joining up. Quite a coincidence: you both being in the same place at the same time in all of Thedas. Coincidence seems to follow you around."

"How did you find me?"

"Solas." Harith said slowly, gauging her stunned reaction. "We got to the mansion and Diranni exploded at us when she realized you were missing. We'd spent days trying to find a lead on where you were, but it seemed as if you had simply vanished. I've never seen Diranni so frightened. She was making plans to send spies out looking for you. The night afterwards, the Agent, your Solas, came striding into the room where Diranni and I were planning. He was cold, a glacial fury in his eyes."

"What did he say?"

"He said 'Where did you send her, Diranni?'. I thought he was going to strike her. She was forced to admit that you had disappeared while on a mission. He glanced between us and said that a spirit had approached him in the Fade, that you had begged it to help you, that you were injured, possibly even dying, and in captivity. The spirit had informed him where you were."

In Search of a Wolf - The Elves of Fen'Harel Book 1 (Dragon Age)Where stories live. Discover now