Bonus Chapter 2

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She was slipping away, the elven girl, Solas knew as he knelt down beside her. Blood had soaked through her ragged tunic, spreading across the ground. Her eyes had closed, her skin almost translucent. He needed to stop the bleeding first, laying a hand on her side, focusing, slowing the flow of blood.

"What do we do?" The dwarf asked him, her face frantic with worry.

Solas sighed, "Get her inside. Somewhere dry where I can work."

The human man who had knelt over her nodded briskly. He slid his arms beneath her, gently lifting the elf, her head resting on his shoulder. He staggered into one of the remaining huts, his feet skidding a little on the blood and viscera around them.

"How can we help?" The dwarf asked again as the elf was carefully laid on a bed. She was fading rapidly, Solas could feel it. "Her name is..."

"I don't care." Solas snapped. "Just stay out of my way and let me work."

"Eagan, go and make sure the other survivors are alright." The dwarf suggested. "I'll look for something to use as bandages." Solas briefly admired her practicality but turned his attention back to the girl.

She wasn't difficult to heal, not with his power. Her breathing eased as he leaned over her. The dwarf gave him cloth and he wrapped the newly healed flesh with care. "It's done."

"Thank you, whoever you are." The dwarf said heavily, "She's a sweet girl."

"I should go."

"No, please stay!" She asked, "Just until Eagan gets back. The others were too afraid to stay. He's taking them towards an Inquisition camp."

He should go, Solas thought to himself. He shouldn't have stopped really. But he nodded without thinking, perching on the table at the end of the bed.

The girl stirred in the bed, moaning a little with fatigue. "Hey kid. You hear me?" The dwarf was at her side in an instant.

"Malika? Where am I?" Her voice was soft.

The man, Eagan, burst back in from the stormy night, "I took them a decent way. There's an Inquisition camp not far down the coast from here. I sent the two of them on with a letter; they should remember me. How is she?"

"How many survived?" The eleven girl's voice was raspy. She needed water.

"You shouldn't be talking." Eagan said, rushing to her side, "It's a miracle that you're even alive." He brushed a hair from her forehead and paused. The intimate gesture surprised Solas. The human seemed to genuinely care for the little elf. "There were five of us in the end: us three and two of the women. They didn't want to stay so I saw them safely onward. What you did was crazy." He shook his head. "But thank you."

"Our little elven warrior." The dwarf, Malika laughed. "It was our saviour who healed you with his magic."

Finally, the girl's eyes focused enough to notice him there. He watched surprise cross her features.  

"Ma melava halani." She called out, "Ma serannas, lethallin."

"You're most welcome." The voice said from the back. He rose stiffly. "Now that I know you're going to live, I should take my leave." Get going, Solas told himself. You assuaged your conscience. He needed to disappear before someone recognised him, before the Nightingale's spies were at his heels once more.

"Master Solas?" Eagan said suddenly. Solas stiffened. Too late. He muttered a curse beneath his breath. It would be all over the Inquisition soon. He had to extricate himself from the situation as soon as possible. Lavellan had made him soft. "It is you! I didn't recognise you at first: it's been so long since my capture. My name is Eagan: I worked as a scout for the Nightingale."

In Search of a Wolf - The Elves of Fen'Harel Book 1 (Dragon Age)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum