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Wherever she went, Laisa was watched. Perhaps those instructed to do so thought they were being covert, but she saw them. There were four in total. One was a guard, usually posted in the Great Hall, who drifted from his post whenever she passed him. The second was a barmaid in the tavern, who made a point of always serving her, and starting conversations nearby in an effort to listen unnoticed. 

The third was named Bridget of Denerim. She was another stable-hand, appointed significantly the day after Laisa's interrogation to work alongside her. The woman was young and strong, with the hair the colour of ripe corn piled in braids around her head, and blue eyes that danced with motion. She also took a great interest in Laisa, plying her with attention in an effort to become friends, and presumably confidantes. Laisa knew the game, and took Bridget on as a friend, as if she had no idea of the woman's true intentions.

The final spy was Arana, which saddened her more than she could describe. She knew it was Arana who had snitched on her before. Their relationship had never been the same, despite over two months passing. Nanin had forced them to sit and have a drink together, but they no longer sought one another's company, both too angry at the other's actions to ever be friends, after having been like sisters for so long.

It was a grey, miserable existence in such a beautiful castle for Laisa. She didn't mind the work so much, no matter tiring. But the loneliness was crippling. She felt as if she was coated in a slick, oily substance that repelled people at the slightest touch, all of them slipping away. She'd been struck more times than she could count for 'impertinence' to humans, had been taunted as a 'knife-ear', had had men try to force themselves on her, and all complaints fell on deaf ears. It was her place, they seemed to think, as an elf. 

Once an Orlesian, after slapping her around a bit, had regaled her with some research done at the University of Orlais about elf ears being compared to rabbits, and the elven people being degraded to little more than beasts. He'd laughed at her, and forced his lips on her own, and she'd been too tired to fight him off.

It had been Bridget, the spy, who had saved her. As a shem, she could shout at him without repercussion and he had left her alone. "Are you okay?" She asked. Laisa couldn't hate her, despite knowing that Bridget reported everything she did, and that her friendship was likely false. The fact was, Bridget was kind, friendly and livened up their working days more than anyone else, and for two months, Laisa had enjoyed her company.

"I'm fine." Laisa sighed. "Want to get a drink tonight?"

"Sure." Bridget smiled reassuringly. "Though there's a guy here to see you. Eagan, he said his name was?" She laughed at the smile spreading across Laisa's face.

Her feet couldn't fly out the stables fast enough, seeing Eagan standing waiting by the door. "When did you get back?" She called out, beaming. It had been many months since he'd last been at Skyhold, kept busy with duties out in the field. He pulled her into a hug.

"About an hour ago." He grinned, "I thought I'd check in on you before I have to head out again. At least it's not back to the Emprise du Lion. That place was awful."

"You're leaving so soon?" She was crestfallen.

"Tomorrow night." He grimaced, "No rest for the wicked. I should get a break after this next assignment. At any rate, you'll be pleased I came across these on my way in." He handed her a sealed piece of paper. "Letters from Malika for us both." Bridget had sidled up as they unsealed their pieces of paper.

"She says that she and Varric are still busy rebuilding Kirkwall and its trade." Laisa smiled at her friend's easy humour. "She's invited me to come and visit again."

In Search of a Wolf - The Elves of Fen'Harel Book 1 (Dragon Age)Where stories live. Discover now