The Inquisition's Prisoner

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Her arms and legs were bound, her limbs in cramp from being tied in position for so long. She was on the ground, arms tied to a post behind her so that she could sit upright. She had been conscious for the last hour or two, and the hood from her head removed, but no one had spoken to her, and she had been left alone in the tent.

"What is she doing here?" Another familiar voice said outside of the tent, "We can't let Arana find out that Laisa is in custody, or she might do something stupid." Arana? Laisa thought of her old friend with sadness. She was so afraid all of a sudden. Bridget hadn't seemed herself, she had seemed so furious. And Laisa was now at her mercy, at the mercy of the mighty Inquisition, who could do with her as they pleased. "Bridget darling, this is Laisa we're talking about. She's not the type of person to betray us."

The flap of the tent opened and a familiar man stepped inside next to Bridget. "Hello, Eagan." She said to her old friend.

"Why?" He asked her, he looked so tired. "All of this time, why didn't you let us know that you were alive?"

"It seemed better that way." She sighed. "I'm sorry." She glanced between them. "I'm glad you found each other at any rate." They jerked in surprise. "You called her darling, it doesn't take a genius to work it out."

"Who sent you to kill Baroness Mercier?" Eagan asked. "Tell us, and we can sort this, we can get you out of this, and take care of you. You could come back to Skyhold."

"You know I can't tell you that." Laisa closed her eyes. "I'm sorry. Do what you have to do." Eagan paled.

"I can't do this." He said, backing out of the tent. Laisa felt a pang not dissimilar to grief as he left her.

Bridget knelt down in front of her, anger bubbling over. "You know, when they first assigned me to you, I thought they must be losing it. They acted like you could be this threat to the Inquisition, through your link to the mysterious Solas, that you had some ulterior motive. And there you were, the sweet little elven stable girl, bullied and assaulted. I felt sorry for you. I thought of you as a friend in the end. So when you and Nanin left, I lied for you."

"We were very grateful for that." Laisa told her.

"Or were you laughing at my stupidity, for letting two spies wander out freely back to their masters?" Bridget snapped. "I should have realized the moment you confessed that you knew I was a spy all along. You shouldn't have known that. But I let you leave. The pair of you drop off the face of Thedas, and then I discover that you're an assassin. That wasn't your first kill either. You did it too easily. And the way you fought me shows you've had training." Laisa said nothing. "Maker's breath! Who are you?"

"I'm Laisa." She shrugged. "I never lied about that. I never lied at all. I had no need to use my skills at Skyhold, and no reason to dredge up my past. I'm not a spy!" She shifted uncomfortably in the ropes, "Please believe me Bridget! No matter where I've been, I'm still your friend. I mean the Inquisition no harm." Tears filled her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Bridget looked away, "But I don't believe you." She took a deep breath, steeling herself, "It's my job to get information from you before we move on." Her face was carefully blank. "And I have to do that, no matter who you are. If you tell me now, who you work for, who sent you to kill the Baroness, then this ends now, without violence."

Laisa took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to summon her courage. "I can't do that."

Bridget slapped her. The blow came so suddenly that she didn't see it until her head cracked to one side. A fist struck her face again, and a boot smashed into her ribs, robbing her of breath. The pain was acute. Neither of them spoke as Bridget beat her mercilessly, hands and feet striking her until Laisa's face swelled, wet with her own blood and she fell close to unconsciousness. "You can make this end." Bridget said softly, leaning in close. "Just talk to me."

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