The Healing

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It seemed like only moments had passed, but perhaps it had been years. A wolf howled, somewhere close: a poignant wail of anguish. Her bruised eyelids opened to the lull of the wind and ceaseless staccato patter of rain. "Hey, kid." A familiar voice said. "You hear me?"

"Malika?" She whispered. "Where am I?" It was one of the other huts, she realised. Marginally less rickety and wet than their own, it had a few actual beds. One of these was where she lay, wrapped in blankets. 

The memories floated back: the fire, the beating, the fight. Finally there was the face of the elven man.

"I took them a decent way." The door of the hut suddenly slammed, letting in a blast of cold air. "There's an Inquisition camp not far down the coast from here. I sent the two of them on with a letter; they should remember me. How is she?" Eagan asked, a concerned frown creasing his forehead.

"How many survived?" Laisa asked, the words painful.

"You shouldn't be talking." He said, rushing to her side, "It's a miracle that you're even alive." He brushed a damp lock of hair from her forehead and paused, "There were five of us in the end: us three and two of the women. They didn't want to stay so I saw them safely onward. What you did was crazy." He shook his head. "But thank you."

"Our little elven warrior." Malika laughed. "It was our saviour who healed you with his magic." It was only then that Laisa noticed the elven man, perched on the edge of a table, silently regarding her.

"Ma melava halani." Laisa called out, "Ma serannas, lethallin." Malika and Eagan looked at her in surprise. They knew she was Dalish, of course, but she had never spoken the language in front of them.

"You're most welcome." The voice said from the back. He rose stiffly. "Now that I know you're going to live, I should take my leave."

"Master Solas?" Eagan said suddenly. The elf stiffened. "It is you! I didn't recognise you at first: it's been so long since my capture. My name is Eagan: I worked as a scout for the Nightingale."

"I..." The elf stuttered, wrong-footed.

"Master Solas works for the Inquisition." Eagan continued, oblivious to the man's discomfort. "He's one of the Inquisitor's inner circle in fact, he was with us from the start in Haven and then had chambers off the great hall in Skyhold. He's a powerful apostate. Tell me, how does the Inquisition fare? Were there many losses in the final battles?"

"Lavellan and her armies did well." Solas said slowly, "And the Inquisition continues to grow daily, with new pilgrims arriving. Your Nightingale however, is likely to be the new Divine."

"Are you serious?" Eagan's jaw dropped.

"Will you come with us, Master Solas?" Malika asked him, and then turned to Laisa, "Eagan is returning to the Inquisition and he says they will give us refuge for a time at least."

"No." Solas was blunt.

"Why not? Aren't you Lavellan's friend?" Eagan frowned.

"That may be, but the Inquisition is no longer my concern." His voice was cold, dispassionate.


"There's nothing left!" Laisa heard something new in his voice, something raw, almost akin to grief. "It's over!" She struggled to sit up in the bed, crying out a little as the pain stabbed into her. It worked to distract Eagan from his interrogation.

In Search of a Wolf - The Elves of Fen'Harel Book 1 (Dragon Age)Where stories live. Discover now