Painful Memories

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"Among the people, mages are accepted and cherished, their powers are a gift from the Creators. Our Keepers are always mages, and they take mage children as apprentices, teaching them to control their magic. If there are too many mages, we will exchange them for children in other clans, so that the clans may have both power and safety. Some clans," Nanin pursed his lips, "Send their mages off on their own into the wild, to fend for themselves. My old clan always found another way."

They were all sitting together in Halassan's infirmary, resting. Laisa had an ointment smeared across her head, where the man had struck her. "Would the Dalish take her?" Sorrahel asked.

"Maybe." Nanin replied, "But you would be lucky to find a clan these days."

"The college may be the only place for Arill." Tamrion patted the girl's mother's hand. "I could try and get her there."

"Tamrion!" She looked overwhelmed.

"You've always taken care of me. I feel it's the right thing." He smiled bravely, a boy of maybe eighteen, dark haired and sharp featured.

"Halassan has told me about you." Sorrahel, the Hahren, stared at Laisa and Nanin. "Thank you both, truly. If one of us had slain him, the elves would have faced a bloody retribution. Nevertheless, you should both leave as soon as you are able. The guards will spread word of Dalish elves in here, and likely will try and take you by surprise." He turned to Laisa, "Your brother is here. I have been hiding him. I know your purpose."

"See?" Halassan rolled his eyes, "More secrets." He and Eloris embraced the two Dalish. "You were sent here for some divine purpose, whether that be the Maker or the old gods. Whatever it is that you're looking for, I hope you find it."


They had waited a week with Lemrian, hiding. Her brother had been thrilled to see them, though disappointed that Arana had chosen not to come. The alienage elves brought them food in the damp basement where they huddled. No repercussion had come for the elves, for which Laisa was thankful. Nanin still looked at her suspiciously, but he trusted her enough to not press for answers. They weren't alone, however, in waiting for this 'agent of the gods'. Another elf sat with them, a man from the Tevinter Imperium, a mage. His name was Alaran. He was much older than the three young Dalish elves and kept himself apart, his shaven head and arms marked with hundreds of scars and blemishes.

On the ninth day of their confinement, Sorrahel led a woman into their midst. She too was a mage, and an elf, tall and slender. Her hair was cut short, curving like a raven's wing about her chin, but sprinkled with a few strands of silver. Her eyes were a dark blue shade that seemed almost black. She wore armor, simple leather but it had obviously been designed for her. "Friends, this is Diranni. Old friend, these are the elves I spoke of. Alaran, Lemrian, Nanin and Laisa."

"This is the agent?" Nanin asked in confusion.

"I am only a servant of the one you seek." Diranni's voice was light, patient. "I recruit for him, I find those capable of furthering the cause and take them to him. Not everyone is right for this cause." Sorrahel stepped away and left them to speak. "The Hahren and I have known one another since we were children."

"This is madness." Nanin muttered, shaking his head.

"You don't believe, lethallin?" She asked him.

"I wonder what the gods have ever done for me." Nanin said bitterly. "I've lost my home and family to war and barbarism. I don't know who I am any more. I don't know what to fight for. I have no clan to defend."

In Search of a Wolf - The Elves of Fen'Harel Book 1 (Dragon Age)Where stories live. Discover now