Chap 42: Memories.

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"That was so embarrassing."
"Yeah no kidding. At least your dead beat dad wasn't there staring at you as you chimichanga."
"And at least my new boyfriend wasn't awkwardly cheering me on," Aria teased.
"Ehhhhh. I didn't even realize he was watching."
"Talk about a first date eh?"
"Let's not even bring it up anymore." Aria and I walked off stage and headed back to our friends. We all headed to our next hero stop.
After we fought, the beach sounded really good right about then. First, the hotel to change.
"Hey guys, look. I was searching for a bathing suit but I found this old photo of us. I forgot I packed this." I love this picture.

" I love this picture

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"I remember that. It was the day after we met Yuri," Oleander said.
"She said 'you're not short, you're just a sushi roll. Tiny and delicous!'" Citri reminisced.
"Remember when Evangeline had us all over for that sleepover the meet Sachael? We took a selfie in her head," Aria said.
"Not one of my proudest moments. Sometimes I still get flashes when I sleep," I remembered.
"I packed the photo," Osaka took it out of her suitcase.

   "That was the first time I took my hair down for you guys," Citri said

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"That was the first time I took my hair down for you guys," Citri said.
"Same for me," Osaka added.
"As soon as I met you guys in my realm I had a feeling we would be good friends," Sachael reminisced.
"I took a picture of all of us when we first met you girls," Mikio started. He pulled it out from his suitcase.
"I can't believe it's only been a few months," Mimon said.
"It feels like we've known each other our whole lives," I said.

The Power Inside You Book 2: The Summer Abroad VERSION1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora