Chap 7: Say Aye If We Should Get Lunch. AYE.

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"Ok. I officially decree you, Sachael Ana, a member of our friend group! You know what that doesn't sound that great," I proposed.
"Let's think of a group name," Citri said.
"Since there are seven of us, let's call ourselves the Seven Deadly Sins!" Aria suggested.
"That's already a thing," Oleander stated.
"Oh yeah," Aria said.
"What about something that rhymes?" Sachael suggested.
"The Seven Heavens maybe?" Osaka said.
I rose up, "The Elite Henkan."
"I like it. Henkan is...?" Osaka said.
"Henkan means transformation or conversion if you will. When I transform I say 'Haidoro Henkan' which means 'hydro' and 'conversion.' Do you understand now?"
"Why elite then?" Aria asked.
"Because we're awesome."
"Fair enough."
"I think it's cool. Anyone who likes it say Aye," Aria said.
"Aye," we all said in unison.
"Now we need a leader. I vote Evangeline," Sachael said.
"Aye," Citri, Osaka, Oleander, and Yuri said.
"I'm not opposed," Aria stated.
"Why me?"
"You're the one with powers," Yuri said.
"True but why not Sachael or you?"
"I can't argue with that logic," I said, "I guess I'm the leader now."
"Actually, speaking of powers, Sachael: what kind of powers do you have? Water?" Yuri asked.
"Sprite magic."
"Ok so my first decree as leader is: do we want lunch? My mom makes awesome sandwiches."
"AYE," They all said in unison.
"Should we go out instead?"
"AYE," Again, they said in unison.
"Perfect. Let's get Chinese."

The Power Inside You Book 2: The Summer Abroad VERSION1Where stories live. Discover now