A/N: Chap 15

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   Hi guys. So I wanted to explain sprites and their magic a little more so you aren't stuck in the dust with no knowledge. This might get pretty long so if you don't want to learn more about sprites and stuff, feel free to skip. Here we go!

Transformation Spells and Adaptive Outfits
When a magic user transforms, they unlock their power. You can't cast a spell without transforming unless you've unlocked your full potential.
Depending on the weather, and your current outfit, your magic uniform will adapt to your current state. For instance if you wanted to cast a spell at the beach whilst wearing a bathing suit, your magic uniform would become a swim suit.
Your spell to transform varies with your magic, as you know. What you didn't know, is that it also varies depending on your gender. The sprite's gender doesn't mater. Just yours. For girls it's their magic, then Henkan. For boys it's their magic, then Majikku. Majikku means Magic in Japanese, and Henkan means Conversion.

Sprite Magic Roots and Languages
Sprite Magic can be referred to meaning the magic of a Sprite, or the magic of someone who was been granted powers by the Sprite.
The original language of Sprite Magic is Japanese. The spells are Japanese but not all the names of sprites are. For instance Sachael isn't a Japanese name. Brucie definetly isn't either. Thermós isn't Japanese, it just isn't English.

Sprite Dream World Concept
The subconscious of the person who is being granted the power of the Sprite, is the Sprite's home for about usually one to three years when the Magic user's ability needs no more training. The Sprite then has the option of whether to live in the Sprite world, or live on the outside world with the permission of their host. They usually go back to the Sprite realm because they aren't fond of their host.
   The dream world concept is a little confusing. Try to bear with me. Imagine you are Evangeline when Sachael was still in her subconscious. Sachael is real. She lives in your subconscious. When a Sprite lives in your subconscious, it is called a dream world even though it's real.
   In the dream world, you can feel pain because it's real. The realm is  just located in your mind. Does this make sense? Comment yes or no. If it doesn't, don't worry I will do more author's notes explaining it. If it does, congrats. You understand my writing.

Ok well I'm going to end this author's note here.

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