Chap 31: I... Didn't Bring My Sleeping Bag.

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"Wow. I can't read anything," Osaka ruined the mood.
"Follow me. I'll read our way through," I said. We turned left for the baggage claim.

   We all eventually got our bags and split into two groups

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We all eventually got our bags and split into two groups. Group one was: Aria, Oleander, Konchu, Sachiko, and Osaka. Group two was: Sachael, Mikio, Mimon, Yuri, Citri, and Me. This way we each have three Japanese readers on our side.
"I'll take Osaka for Mimon," I said to Aria.
"Fat chance I'm having that loser on my team."
"Fine. I mean I see why he was the last one left."
"True." We set off for our hotel in Shinjuku in our groups. We stopped for pictures along the way.

 We stopped for pictures along the way

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"Wow. This hotel.. HAS AMAZING FOOD!" Osaka said as she stuffed her face. When we met back up we discovered group one made it here first.

 When we met back up we discovered group one made it here first

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"What took ya so long?" Aria asked.
"There's a thing called sight seeing I just happened to feel like doing."
"Fair enough."
"Ok now let's work out bedding arrangements. There are eleven of us and two conjoint rooms with eight one person beds. Who wants to volunteer for the floor? We need four people," I said.
"Why don't you volunteer Evangeline?" Citri put me on the spot.
"I... forgot my sleeping bag. I didn't think this would be a problem."
"Ok. I guess I'll volunteer," Mikio said.
"I guess ladies get the comfy beds, guys get the uncomfortable floor. Fair?" Sachiko suggested.
"Fine," Konchu agreed.
"As long as there are no rats involved I'm ok with this," Mimon said.
"Alright. Sachael, Yuri, Aria, Mikio, Mimon, and I will get the first room. The rest of you can have the conjoint one. Kapish?"
"I love how you didn't bother to mention our names," Citri said sarcastically.
"Yeah I intentionally did that to make you feel bad," I sassed back, "let's just get in our pjs."
"Wait what ever happened to Onette?" Yuri brought up.
"She ended up just getting her own room."

The Power Inside You Book 2: The Summer Abroad VERSION1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora