A/N:Age & Peoplez

19 1 2

   Ok so they are all in the same grade but they have birthdays at separate times (obviously) they are either 17 or 18. It's like close to the end of winter and near spring time of year so like March. (Spring starts March 20th so it's like I guess around March 9th)
   Anyway, here are their birthdays:

Evangeline- April 29 (17)
Osaka- August 2 (17)
Yuri- March 5 (18)
Oleander- January 28 (18)
Citri- September 12 (17)
Aria- November 20 (17)
Sachael- She's a sprite and sprites don't celebrate birthdays in PIY (idk age)

Who the characters represent:
My characters personality wise neither looks represent my friends. I didn't base them off of them and I don't know what to call it but here

Evangeline- MUA
Kiria- I actually based her off of Aphmau's mom, Sylvanna, from MC Mystreet
Onette- no one
Citri- Tubeofpaste
Yuri- Kellythekitten
Osaka- FireDragonJules
Oleander- KristenM55
Aria- Tealcookie1
Sachael- no one

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