The City

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Mothers soothe crying children as the boat moves down the river. Fathers yell and count their family members, some sobbing as the number stops to soon. It wasn't supposed to be like this, but who knew we wouldn't be welcome here.

For centuries the cave kept our port city safe but explosives destroyed half of it, including the entrance. I'm sure they assume we have no escape. This is why we kept it a secret. No matter how long we live someplace we never fully trust others.

Turning my green eyes to my eight brothers I look them over. Each of them have the same look in their eyes. Protect our people. Protect our city.

As the boat is darkened by an over hang a loud roar of rock and water rushes towards us. Our home will be submerged, never to be seen again. Just like the last three cities.

Silver eyes glow and I know mine match as my brother and I build a barrier to protect our escape. Only a few sniffles from the smaller children are heard as we move back to our true home. Bioluminescent plants line the walls lighting the way.

Looking back I can see a small stream of light from the pile of rocks hiding our exit. Hopefully that won't be noticed. No one will be back except to run a security check. The light darkens and I relax. The city should be sunk beneath the ocean now, impossible to find.

I turn forward as we approach a wall of water. As a lone tear rolls down my cheek I toss one last thought to the now submerged city.

Goodby Atlantis. Quamdiu atque vale. So long and farewell.



It's a new story and I'm super excited for it. I have a ton of ideas for this one.

I'll be posting everything I have written during update days so you only have to wait a few more days for an update!

Till next time,

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