Señor Year

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The first day of school and I see him the boy that makes my insides sparkle brighter than stars in the night sky.
I leave him to his friends, because it is the first day of school.

My schedule is unschedule, Office aide,  History,  and British Literature.
I meet up with my best friends: Tyra and Gianne. We exchange hugs and update each other on our lives.
I love them with all my heart and wouldn't give them up for the world .

( Oh guys, I'm mentally sick )
I am sick, physically.. same thing I've had for the past month.
Okay well I'll tell you guys how the second day of school goes tomorrow.

Anyways, later on I message him ..
I finally confessed to him what I felt.
I got the exact response I thought I might get. My heart has never been this sad. I don't know how to tell Tyra.. I know how to tell her of my situation but not what I'm feeling they may just tell me to man up and forget it, but I simply cannot.

The 2nd Day.
Well I had so much fun for first and second period. I feel bad because Tyra was asking me questions and I couldn't answer them without almost breaking down crying . I know it's the second day of school but I don't want to make her stressed and have a bad second day . Also it's because I don't want to cough on her.

There is a new person, his name is Rynne. He is insanely gorgeous, it is so ridiculous how good looking he is.

Back on track,
I'm starting to get closer to Gianne, she's actually really fun to be around and she actual accepts me and I need more positive people like that in my life. I told her what happened between Kyle and I, she tells me that she can talk to him .
I respect him enough to not have my friends bombard him with stressful questioning so I kindly decline her offer.

I just wish things weren't so awkward between us anymore . I want my old friend back. I miss the person I was able to connect with, someone that knew for a second what it was like to go through the exact same feelings as me.
Now? All I feel is meh.  I feel and don't feel. I want to feel, I really do but I just don't anymore.
I know I should be scared but I'm not because I can't feel anything .
My hear is empty and feel no remorse for anyone or anything .
My best friend Tyra thinks I'm ignoring her but I'm not . I'm just having personal issues and don't want to hurt anyone, so it's better if I keep my distance because no one has seen me through this period EVER before.

I love everything you guys do for me, you are never not thought of .
From the bottom of my heart, I know the real ones .
You guys mean the most to me and I love you .

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