before SY 2017.18

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It is approximately 2 weeks before I am an official Senior in high school . I can't believe it. I have come an exceedingly long way.

Freshman Year: the new girl on the second day of the school year
Sophomore Year: the girl in an abusive relationship
Junior Year: Emotionally unstable wreck
Senior Year: Has a job, her license, is single as a dollar bill, finally rejected Jiles on multiple occasions.
I'm ready this year. With my brand new friends especially.
The cute guy I met at work Ronnie and the guy I met at the water park Kyle. Oh man, don't get me started about the cute guy at the water park.

He makes me feel like I'm in a whole other dimension. In the good way like he knows many more things than I could ever possibly learn and it's just so incredible to finally meet someone where they understand they type of language I speak . I feel so blessed, as if I do not deserve this. Yet agaim, there has been another guy in my life recently his name is Seth.. Seth Calaughan. 
His father is a lawyer and he graduated this past year. He is a very supportive and kind friend. He is the rare type of rich guy because he is not a complete douche to the lower class. He is truly humble and he shows it by his gradituity .

Anyways tomorrow I may possibly see Ronnie but I do not want to get my hopes up .

-The next day-
I'm sick, just incredibly down with the flu. I'm Incredibly sick .
So I just called out sick the entire week because if this nasty cough. I just wish I knew a cure because my rare cough happened often to me.

School is just in two days and I don't know how I feel anymore . I'm sick and want to be healthy again but I don't know .

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