Suffermore Year

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Well hey guys.
It's my sophomore Year.
Exciting right..? DAMN WRONG.
I stand in the hallway until the bell rings because I can't find any of my friends.
I get into the class I'm the 2nd person in that damned class room. When all of a sudden Tam'Marie walks in, and then Tyra, and then Measha.
I made a new friend Celeste.
She's such a cute little girly.
Everything is fine and dandy until.. he walks in.
I spot two back packs instantly.. With adidas pants and shoes. It's like I'm watching an advertisement for them.
Truly breath taking.
" Hey. " I say to him.
" Uh. Hi. I'm. Marvin "
He shyly mumbles back.
Oh lordy, he's shy.
So help me lord, forgive me lord if I jump right up on him.
Marvin Campbelle.
As the days went by I started making a few unnoticeable moves. I made sure all the desks in front and in back of me were occupied so he'd be forced to sit next to me. Trap him up in this joint.
It was his turn to read the book "Big Mouth, Ugly Girl "
He stopped and panicked when he saw a baby Spider.
I've never seen such a brawny guy so scared.

-Skip to 3 weeks later-
Just great some asshole in the class is just using me for math work, I will never forget you Roland Mannings!
You will rue the day you ever crossed me!
I swear to god, I will hurt you.
Anyways there's this other guy.
Joey Arlington.

- November, 3rd. 2015-
So this guy that always makes fun of me is suddenly confessing his feelings for me!
What even is his deal?
The guy I do have a crush on heard about the other guy confessing his feelings for me and he warned me. He warned me about how he was and what would come out of dating him. Ryan Nuise. I heard from Julio, that if I treasure my life not to date Ryan. I wasn't planning on dating Ryan. We had a major falling out. He started spreading rumours and I just shrugged them off, until One day I heard that he was spreading rumours about how I was reacting to the first rumours. That's when I had enough, I sat Ryan down and told him the facts.
To get over himself, just kidding i was being really sweet about it.
I told him that I'm not mad,
I just wished he would talk to me first.
Funny thing, we ended up with the biggest beef of all time.
Thanks Ryan.

-November,4.2015 -
He asked me out in a way that I couldn't even say no!
He wasn't the easiest to look at considering all his cuts and bruises on his face.
Derrick Mansoon
I have a feeling this is going to be a toxic relationship.

- January, 5.2016-
Just great.. Jiles Quentin is now in my class.. it shouldn't be such a problem.

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