Junwhore Year: Crush IV

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Today is the first day of December.  I love December, from the music to the lights to the spoiling the ones you love because they deserve the world.  Micah and I as usual went walking to the SSO.  It was good we made jokes. My problem is that I think he is getting bored with me. Okay remember Jiles?  He basically fucked with my state of mind very bad that I'm not longer in control of who I am and that sucks. It's funny because I trust him,  I trust Micah I just don't trust my thoughts and I become a downer and that's what happened between Derrick and I.  So I don't want to go through that again..

Out of nowhere he just got into this mood where he wasn't talking ( and trust me that kid can talk) . With my anxiety ( Which I obtained my freshman year)  I had to know what's wrong I just couldn't go through the day with unbalanced thoughts.  I don't know if we were in a fight or whatever but..  I ended up mad and he didn't drop me to my third. Throughout,the third period I was extremely angry I put in my head phones and ignored everyone, I mean it's no big deal but that's out of character..  He did pick me up after and somewhat dropped me to my fourth, but he left me with no hug. 
The thought of him wanting to break up with me occurred in my head...I guess I will have to wait and see what tomorrow holds..  Please be good to me..  😞

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