"He is one of the best fighter of the gang. He leads the training beside Marcus, like a co-captain." I nod my head, wondering how should I talk with her about the stud. 

As people started to fill the table, Jason took me to the end of the table where there were two chairs and pulled one of the chairs for me before he sat on the side chair. The table were filled with mouth watering food, I couldn't wait to dig in but knowing there were more than pair of five eyes that I have grown comfortable with; I felt uneasy about eating in this crowd. My anxious eyes went from the fruits, toast, waffles, eggs, sausages and juice on the table to shy Courtney sitting beside the macho man, I saw her earlier with. This just made me more curious about their relation.

I was busy staring at the couple and trying to solve the mystery about them, I didn't realize a plate was placed in front of me until I felt someone elbowed me. I looked to my side to see Jason giving a 'you alright' look. I smiled and nod my head then he directed his eyes at the plate in front of me. There was toast, omelet and sausage on the plate and right next to the plate, there was a bowl of muesli with yogurt and fruits. I smiled at the thought of Jason knowing me so well and unconsciously I threw a kiss at him, earning a chuckle from him.

I quickly took the bite from the muesli and looked around; Jason was having pancakes, Logan was busy with newspaper; a toast in his mouth, the brothers were having poached eggs, hash browns and croissant while Marcus being the health conscious he was just ate brown bread and egg salad. I remember he told me once how bad it is to eat oily foods early in the morning and I should avoid it too.

"Did Courtney make waffles today?" Courtney shyly nodded her head at James question while her bodyguard went on the alert mode. "Abby, try the waffles. Courtney makes the best waffles in the world." Gavin let out a sign of relief while I scrunched my eyebrows and looked back and forth at the couple and James.

Before I could say something a plate of waffles was in front of Jason and he  had started slicing a small piece for me to try. I am not really a waffle fan but because it was made by Courtney, I thought about giving it a try and may I say how accurate was James. These waffles were pretty delicious and I think my expression really give them the answer.

"It is, isn't it? I told you." I nodded my head rapidly before taking another bite Jason offered me.  

We were all enjoying our breakfast just then Dr. Gemma entered the room. I waved at her like we were some close friends, I don't know why I did that but it was kinda embarrassing thinking about it. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that there was only one place left and that's beside James. Is it just me or did I feel some kind of tension going on? Whatever matter they had she didn't want to show it so she sat down beside him but with little hesitation.

"You're late Gemma."

"Sorry boss, I was busy with work, I didn't notice the time. By the way the results are out and you don't have to worry. She is just going through that start of teenage phase. She doesn't have anything wrong with her health."

"See, I told you. I was right all along, it was just waste of my blood." Even though it was my least of concern I dragged it to show how I was right about my menstruation problem.

"Well, I can't take chances. What would you do if something actually crucial was to happen to you?" I shut my mouth knowing how he was a little, a little itsy bitsy right.

"So now that it has been clear there's no problem, I still brought this medicine for you. Take it after your meal two times a day, by tomorrow I am sure you'll get your periods back." I look at Gemma trying to give her some sign not to talk about the medicine but for a doctor she was sure dumb.

"Don't you dare think about skipping your medicine princess." I gave him my puppy eyes to persuade. "Nope. Not gonna work."

"But I don't want to."

"But you have to if you want to regulate your period."

"That is exactly what I don't want."


"Because it's annoying, painful and embarrassing." I said the last word in small tone but guess the old man has nice hearing because he heard it.

"Why would you think it's embarrassing?"

"It is... because you get blood stain on your clothes sometimes when you over bleed or your napkin don't absorb blood properly." I fidgeted with my fingers looking down embarrassed.

"Well, there's nothing to be embarrassed princess. This is a natural process and every woman go through it. You shouldn't be ashamed of something mother nature gave you."

"That's what you say now. When I walk around with a blood stain on my pants getting disgusted looks then you'll know what I am talking about."

"Sorry to interrupt this sweet talk but if you haven't notice I am trying to eat and you guys are definitely not helping with my digestion right now." James look at us in horror.

I poke my tongue at him and he returned with showing his. This keep on going until Jason interrupted. "OK! Stop you too."

"He started it."

"I started it." James gasped putting his hand on his chest dramatically. "The evilness is rubbing on you. How dare you lie straight in everyone's face?" Instead of replying I puckered up my lips and did a peace sign. "You weirdo." Gemma looked at the chuckling James weirdly.

"I didn't know you had this fun side in you."

"Well if you had put even a bits of effort of knowing me. I don't think there'd be anything surprising." The atmosphere went from happy to awkward in a second by that statement.

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