Chapter 15

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Hey! Would you look at that!? I managed to update!

Tris's POV

"Yeah there's only one problem." Lynn says

"What? What problem I don't see any." Marlene says

"Marlene!" Uriah scolds,"Don't be rude! It's obvious that the problem is she is lonely for life."

"Hey! That's not true!" Lynn defends

"Well I mean I can see why." Tobias says. Lynn's head snaps to his direction.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" She exclaims

"Nothing, nothing. It's just that your not the most likeable person. I'm just being honest here." He says in a cocky way.

She raises her eyebrows,"Oh really? And you are? Last time I checked you wouldn't win person of the year."

"Oooooooooooooooooooo!!!" Zeke, Will, and Uriah shout at the same time. We all stare at them.

"Really?" I ask

"Sorry." They mutter looking down.

"Ok Lynn's right she is single, but just to be clear she is not single for life and she can be likeable at times just like Four. Now let's just all break it up. Got it?" I ask and everyone is silent,"Good now what I was thinking was maybe Lynn can be our judge because we would obviously pick ourselves as the better couples." Everyone agrees with me.

"Well onto the game my good lads!" Zeke exclaims in an ancient accent then starts pushing four tables with two chairs per each in a straight line. He then takes a smaller table with one chair and puts it facing the four tables. When he is done he stands to the side and holds his hand out as in presenting his work.

"Couples." He says like a talk show host,"Pick your tables." We all roll our eyes at him but do as he says. Tobias and I end up getting one the tables in the middle with Zeke and Shauna sit in the other middle table with Christina and Will on the other side of them and Uriah and Marlene on the other side of us. Lynn is obviously sitting at the host's table in front of everyone.

"Ok well from what Zeke told me I'm going to be asking you all questions about your partner and whichever couple gets the most answers right wins." Lynn says,"Everyone got it?"

"Yep!!" We all exclaim

"Good! We will start from left to right. After everytime we get through every couple twice the couple who lost the most questions is out. The first round will be easy then gets harder everytime. So Christina and Will this is for you." She says and thinks for a second.

"Ok. What is your partner's favorite food?"

"Hamburgers." Christina answers

"spagetti." Will answers

"Yay! I knew you would know it!!" Christina exclaims

"Same goes to you!" He replies

"Shauna and Zeke. What is their favorite type of movie?"

"Oh! I know this one! For some reason Shauna really loves romantic comides." Zeke says and Shauna nods her head grinning.

"And Zeke loves action movies." She says and Zeke gives Shauna a high five. Lynn nods and turns to us.

"Tris and Four. What is their favorite animal?"

"Dog." Tobias answers

"Narwal." I answer and then we fist bump. We we look away from each other everyone is giving Tobias a weird look.

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