Chapter 7

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Disclaimer- I don't own Divergent all rights go to Veronica Roth

Tris's POV

"Zeke my dear old buddy what would it be?" Tobias asks when they sit back down from their little 'fight'.

"Four my dear old buddy I pick dare." Zeke says

"I dare you to go up to a random person and convince them that your an alien sent down to transform them."

Zeke nods,"challenge excepted." then we all walk out into the pit.

"That girl right there." Tobias says pointing to little girl that looks more then five.

Zeke grins,"children love me."

"Mhm let's see if you remember this girl." Tobias mutters as Zeke walks off.

"I am an alien that has been sent from outer space and I am here to transform you." He starts off acting in his opinion an 'alien'.

"you must listen to everything I- Owwww!" He exclaims after the little girl kneed him in the stomach "what was that for!? Wait you! I know you! your that devil child!" he exclaims. she smirks then flicks him off and runs away leaving the rest of us besides Zeke and Tobias shocked. A five year old just kneed Zeke and flicked him off how can you not be surprised!?

After a couple seconds of silence we look around at each other then start cracking up and walk back to the apartment.

"You set me up! I told you I never wanted to see that demon child again!" Zeke complains to Tobias.

"How do you know that little girl?" Lynn asks.

"Well one night Zeke and I decided to go out. so we were walking around the compound and we heard a little girl crying and being the nice guys we are we went to go help. When we got there she was sitting on the floor with her head in her knees. When we asked what's wrong she slowly looked up with a really creepy smirk and then she took our arms and practically threw us on the floor then she tied us up together and hid our clothes. Before she left she took our money then flipped us off and walked away." Tobias says

"Really? that 5 year old girl did all of that to you two? Four you're a Dauntless prodigy and you got beat up by a 5 year old!?"I ask

"Hey! that little girl is scary! And she is always around by herself never with an adult." Zeke says

We all roll our eyes,"lets get this game started again." Christina says

"Shauna truth or dare?" Zeke asks


"I dare you to go out in the pit and act like you are talking to someone when you really aren't."

She agrees so we all walk back into the pit. Shauna goes right in the middle and we stand off by the side. Then she starts moving her hands and talking like there is a real person in front of her.

"Oh really? Well I told her not to but she went out and completely ignored me." Shauna says and starts nodding like the 'person' is saying something.

"See that's what I'm saying! Some people." she says. I start laughing when I see that Uriah is filming this. This is priceless.

"Excuse me ma'm." a guy says tapping on Shauna's shoulder.

"What can you see I am having a conversation here!?" Shauna shouts

"Ummm there's no one there." The guy says. She gasps and slaps him.

"How dare you!? You can't just tell someone you can't see them. Come on Bobby we are leaving people are so rude." Shauna says and drags 'Bobby' with her and we all walk back to the apartment laughing.

"Wow Shauna I never said you had to be violent." Zeke says.

She shrugs,"Its more fun that way anyway Tris truth or dare?"

Crap I was hoping they would be done picking me especially after all my hair is still purple from Zeke's little prank.


"I dare you to lick whipped cream off of Four's stomach." I look over at Tobias and he smirks.

I shrug,"ok" Zeke runs off and not a second later comes back with a bottle of whipped cream and sprays it on Tobias's toned abs. I lean down and lick the whipped cream off then sit back up in my spot.

"Uriah truth or dare?"

"Finally!! I pick dare."

"I dare you to walk down into the pit scratching your chest while saying 'Gosh this fungus is itchy'."

He gets up and Marlene and Zeke follow along. After about 5 minutes they come back in. Marlene and Zeke are cracking up and Uriah is blushing.

"What happened?" Will asks

"Well he was walking around doing the dare and our mom cam up and was like,"Oh honey it came back? I told you to keep on using the princess medicine". Zeke says. We all start laughing at Uriah who is still beat red.

"Shut up! Four truth or dare?" Uriah asks trying to get the attention off of him.


Uriah smirks evilly,"so we all know when Eric confessed his little 'secret' yesterday right?"

"Shot" Tobias mutter,"I was just kidding when I said I pick dare I actually meant truth."

"Uh-uh-uh nope you picked dare and I'm giving you a dare. So as I was saying I dare you to go up to Eric and propose to him with an union ring and before he can reply break up with him very dramatically.

Tobias sighs defeated knowing that he can't say no or else he would be sitting here naked, but I'm not complaining. I feel like someone is watching me so I look up and see everyone staring at me. Crap.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" I ask while blushing.

They all nod and start laughing making me blush even more. Tobias puts his arm around me and kisses my head.

"Are you doing the dare or what?" Uriah asks

Tobias sighs,"who's coming?"

Zeke, Uriah, and I jump up.

"Record it for us will ya?" Lynn asks before we leave. Zeke gives them a thumbs up and we walk down to Eric's office. We hide in the hallway as Tobias walks up to the door. He sighs before knocking.

Eric opens up,"What do you want?"

Tobias gets down on one knee and pulls out the union ring,"Eric will you marry me?" I bite back a laugh when Eric has a look of excitement he opens up his mouth to say something but Tobias cuts him off by slapping him.

"What the heck! why would you cheat on me!? I thought we had something! We're over!" Tobias shouts.

Eric looks really confused,"wha-?"

Tobias turns around and walks off. He flicks off Eric without turing around "it was a dare don't get your hopes up!" Tobias shouts.

We follow Tobias back to the apartment and let out our laughs when we get inside. We are laughing so hard that we are crying.

"What happened?" Christina asks and Zeke shows them the video which leads to them erupting in laughter.

"Oh my gosh dude! He was so excited!" Will exclaims.

"And he actually believed it!" Marlene adds.

Tobias shakes his head and sits back in his spot. After a while we all calm down and start the game.

"You know this game is getting kind of boring. We should add some spice to it." Zeke says

"What is your idea?" Christina asks


A/N: I'm SOOO very sorry for not updating sooner I've just been super busy lately. But thank you SOOO much for all of the support! You guys are seriously awesome!!

Any ideas to 'spice' up this game of truth or dare?

Thank your for reading!

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