Chapter 6

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Disclaimer- I don't own Divergent the amazing Veronica Roth does

Tris's POV

WhenI wake up I'm greeted by the sun peaking out through the curtains. I slowly get up trying not to wake up Tobias. Trust me you don't want to wake him up. I walk into Zeke's living room and see everyone even Lynn sitting around talking.

"Where's lover boy?" Uriah asks

"Oh he loves to sleep." I say while sitting on one of the chairs

"Well then we need to wake him up." Zeke says

I shake my head,"You do not want to do that."

They look at each other and grin,"oh but we do." Uriah says

Zeke gets up to get something and comes back with two air horns and he hands one to Uriah.

"You two are taking a suicide mission." I tell them

"So you aren't going to watch?" Zeke asks

I jump up,"oh I'm watching, just from a distance."

We all follow Zeke and Uriah into the bedroom. Tobias is sprawled out across the bed looking so adorable like he always does.

Zeke and Uriah go on either side of him with the air horn right next to his ears. They count to three and blow it in his ear.

"Ahhhh!" Tobias shouts as he falls off the bed right onto the hard floor making a loud thud which causes him to groan. I would go over to help him but I'm to busy laughing my butt off along with the others.

He gets up and I realize that he's not wearing a shirt and I can't help but stare. I see the other girls are too which makes me a little jealous.

"What the heck?" he shouts to Zeke and Uriah.

"One." Tobias says deadly

"Two." they look at each other alarmed

"Three!" They run off and Tobias runs after them

After 30 minutes of them running around the compound screaming for their lives they come back with a black eye.

"I told you not to wake him up." I say while shaking my head in disapproval. They glare at me and go sit down on the floor.

"Are we playing or what?" Zeke asks we nod and go sit on the floor in a circle.

"Are we picking up where we left off?" Will asks

"I say yes that way the stakes are higher." Shauna says

"But Zeke is not sitting on my lap anymore!" Tobias says sternly

We all agree and take off our clothing items. Uriah agrees to everything so he never lost any clothing items. everyone else but Tobias takes off their shirt he has to take off his pants and he still isn't wearing a shirt but yesterday we ended up with him only in his boxers so he doesn't need to put one on.

"Alright it's my place I call first! Christina truth or dare?" Zeke asks

"Old habits die hard, truth."

"PANSYCAKE!!" Uriah yells

"Uriah shut up before I rip your vocal chords straight from your throat." Lynn threatens

"Violent woman." Uriah mutter

"Ok Christina if you had to date one of your friend's boyfriend who would it be?" Zeke asks

"Oh that's easy Four." She says and I glare at her,"what? can you blame me? I mean look at him" she says causing me to glare even harder.

"It's ok Tris I tend to have that effect on People." Tobias says

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