Chapter 5

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Tobias's POV

Chapter 5

"What do you want Peter?" I ask. To be honest Peter would be the last person I want to know about the real me but now he knows and I have to act like him knowing doesn't bother me.

He smirks,"I wanna join your little game."

"Heck no!" we all exclaim

He just smirks again,"Ok then don't be surprised when you hear the while Dauntless compound talking about their beloved 'prodigy' is actually a stiff afraid of his own father."

I sit there shocked is he really black mailing me? I don't know what to say. If he joins this game then he will find a way to hurt everyone physically or mentally but if I don't let him play then he will tell the entire compound about my secret. I can't let my friends down he can't join this game.

I am about to say no but Zeke beats me to it,"fine." I stare at him shocked. does he know what he just did?

"Ok Let's get the game going again!" Uriah shouts,"Four it's your turn."

"Ok Shauna truth or dare?"


"I dare you to put a worm down your top and leave it in there for 20 seconds." she looks disgusted but soon agrees

"Zeke you don't happen to have any worms do you?" I ask

He just grins and jumps up. he comes back a couple seconds later holding a worm. Why am I not surprised?

Zeke is about to hand Shauna the worm but Tris comes over and snatches it out of his hands and starts talking to it.

"How long does this serum last?" Will asks no one in particular

"It will probably start to wear off in about 30 minutes but when it does wear off she will be the complete opposite of peaceful. Just a warning." I say

"Tris give me back the worm." Zeke says carefully like he is trying get something from a 3 year old.

She looks over at him and holds the worm closer while shaking her head,"No I'm not giving you Joe. He is my friend and I promised I won't give him away."

"Well the worm- I mean Joe told me that he's tired and I was going to put him in bed which happens to be in Shauna's shirt." he says Tris grins and hands him the worm then skips over to me sitting next to me.

Zeke hands Shauna the worm and she takes it hesitantly. She then puts it down her shirt. when it goes down her eyes widen and she wiggles obviously not feeling comfortable. After 20 seconds of her torture she jumps up and flings the worm across the room landing on Uriah's face.

"Ahhhhh there's a worm on my face!!!!" he exclaims and throws it.

Tris sees Uriah throw the worm and she starts to freak out.

"No don't be mean to Joe!" She exclaims while picking it up carefully. she glares at Uriah then starts giggling while walking back to her seat.

Tris's POV

I can't believe how mean they are to Joe. He just wanted friends. I need to find him friends. oh! I know! Tobias can be his friend. I tap his shoulder and he looks over at me with his eyebrows raised. I look into his gorgeous deep blue eyes. What did I want again? He's just so beautiful.

I'm at a lose I words so I just hold the worm up to his face. He looks confused.

"Yeah I see that. you've got a worm." He says. I giggle he's so silly.

"No silly Joe told me he wants to be your friend." I say and hold Joe closer to his face.

"Yeah Four be Joe's friend." Will says evilly.

Tobias smirks and turns to me and smirks evilly just like Will and he signals for me to come closer. He puts his mouth close to my ear. I giggle.

"I would love to be Joe's friend but I can't. But I do know who can." When he talks his breath tickles my ear.

I perk up,"Really? Who?"

"Will now he might act like he doesn't but he really wants to be his friend."

"Really? Thank you Tobias! Now Joe has a friend!" I give him a hug and a kiss then I run over to Will

"You are now Joe's best friend!" I exclaim and put Joe in his face. Will jumps back 10 feet and screams.

"Oh yeah did I forget to mention that Will is afraid of worms? Hmm must of slipped my mind." Four says sarcastically. Everyone starts laughing and makes fun of Will

"Four! The fear landscapes are supposed to be private!" Will shouts

Four shrugs,"I don't remember making any promises." I grin and make everyone in the room be Joe's friend.

Tobias's POV

Forthenext ten minutes we watch Tris go crazy on the peace serum. I have to admit that Tris on this stuff is hilarious but I miss the real Tris. Now the serum is wearing off sit unleash the monster. She literally gets mad at anything you do. If you talk, she gets mad. If you move, she gets mad at you. especially Peter. She acts 100 times worse then she does on her period and that means something.

I also realized that one of the side effects is that she gets jealous really easily. like I was talking to Marlene then Tris then she attacked Marlene for 'stealing her man'

She looks over at me and realizes that Zeke is sitting on my lap. This dare will seriously be the death of me.

"Zeke!" she shouts and he tenses up. honestly she can be really scary,"Why are sitting on Four's lap!? He's mine!"

"I- um- you- see-I" I start cracking up and he turns and glares at me,"dude help me! your crazy girlfriend is going to murder me!"

I chuckle,"She will be back to normal in a few minutes. How about we have a little fun with it?" I ask while smirking he looks at me confused,"just follow m lead."

Zeke turns around and whimpers when he sees Tris standing in front of him while glaring.

"Well? I asked you a question." again he stutters but I save him.

I wrap my arms around Zeke's waist. They both look surprised but then Zeke catches on that this is what I meant about following my lead.

"You see Tris me and Four are in love." Zeke says more confidently

Everyone gasps oops I forgot they were there and it looks like they believed it. Will sighs and hand Uriah $20 seriously they bet on us. I decide to lead them on also.

I look over and wink at Zeke in a way that only he knows what I mean

"Zeke you never told me about you and Four." Shauna says in a hurt way.

Zeke looks sad to be doing this but we keep it going

"Yeah ever since our initiation." I say and everyone gasps.

Uriah jumps up,"I knew it! I knew you two would be together!"

Tris looks over at us,"Are you saying that the entire time I was dating you you were dating Zeke!?"

I bite back a laugh but manage a nod.

"Yep! Four is my baby!" Zeke exclaims and wraps his hands around my neck. I'm literally biting my tongue so hard that I taste blood.

I notice that Tris is finally back to her normal self and I see confusion, hurt, and sadness all in her eyes.

Zeke looks over at me,"Should we tell them all it's a joke now?" He whispers in my ear which to everyone else probably looks like something else.

I look around and realize that Uriah is still recording I look back at Zeke and nod.

We both fall to the floor laughing. Everyone looks at us confused.

"You- all- are- such- idiots" I say in between breaths and I have to hold my side because I was laughing so hard.

They all look around confused and I am forced to explain because Zeke is still laying on the floor laughing.

"We were just joking. Are you kidding me? Why would I be in love with this idiot?" I ask pointing to Zeke,"We only did it because Tris was getting really jealous of Zeke sitting on my lap so I decided to have a little fun with it."

Some of them looked relived AKA Tris and Shauna and some looked disappointed AKA Uriah and he gives Will back his money.

Tris looks confused and I forgot that she doesn't remember anything that happened while on the serum so Uriah shows her the video that he took starting off to when she took the serum to now. After the video she turns to me with a guilty look on her face and she runs up to give me a hug.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry if I knew what I was saying on the serum I wouldn't have ever told everyone about your past and I wouldn't have told Marcus it was you I can't even-" I kiss her to shut her up.

"Tris it's ok you didn't know what you were saying it's completely fine." I say trying to reassure her.

"Hey guys it's already 3 AM we should all sleep here an finish the game in the morning." Zeke says right after he says that Peter and Eric get up an walk out the door.

"Yes! they're gone!" Christina exclaims

"Ok so I have three bedrooms and one pull out couch."

Lynn gets up,"I will stay in my room tonight and come tomorrow morning to finish the game." we all say bye and she walks out.

"Now me and Shauna get my room obviously now every couple fend for themselves." Zeke says while sitting on his couch, props his feet on the coffee table, and puts his arm around Shauna.

"Tris and I call this room!" I yell while pulling her into the second room down the hall everyone but Zeke and Shauna come running after us. When we get in the room I slam the door and lock it.

"Why do you get the second best room in the apartment!?" Uriah yells

"Because I'm Zeke's best friend and this is practically my room!" I yell back through the door.

"He's right." I hear Zeke say then I hear them leave the door.

I turn to Tris and smirk,"And that's how it's done."

"How is this 'practically' your room?" Tris asks

"Every time I get drunk, a hangover, or just want to stay at Zeke's I always stay in this room. I actually have clothes in stuff in this drawer." I say pointing to the drawer against the wall.

She nods and we lay down. She curls up to my side and I kiss her forehead.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too"

"I love you three"

"I love you four"

I chuckle ,"I know"

"Hey you made me do that!" she whines

"Yep!" I say popping the 'p' then kiss her one last time before falling into a peaceful sleep.


A/N: oh my gosh this is the third time I had to write this chapter. I usually write my stories on my phone so I tried it out on the computer and it wouldn't save my story twice. so I decided to stick with my phone. so finally it's up! Again I can't thank you guys enough for being so supportive on this story along with my other ones. I love you guys so much!!

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