Chapter 3

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Tris's POV

Chapter 3:

"Uriah truth or dare?" Tobias asks

"Do you not know me? Dare all the way."

"I dare you to go next door and ask for a tampon because it's that time of the month."

Uriah smiles,"Challenge excepted." he walks out the door and we all stand by the door watching him knocking on the neighbor's door. A man walks out.

"Hi Do you have a tampon you can spare me? you know it's that time of month." Uriah says while winking.

"Oh yeah I get it." he says while going inside for a second and coming back out with a tampon.

"Thank you sir tell your girlfriend or wife that I said thanks." Uriah says

"Oh I don't have one."

"Then why did you have a tampon laying around?" Uriah asks

He starts laughing,"for the same reason you need one." he says then shuts the door.

We all start cracking up at the look of Uriah's face.

"Here Tris catch free tampon the only price you have to pay is answering truth or dare." Uriah says

"I pick dare."

"I dare you to call someone and ask if it's 911."

I grab my phone and type in some random number.

"Hello?" the guy asks

"Hi is this 911?" I ask like a dumb 'stereotypical'teen

"Ummm no?" the guy says

"Oh well if you know it can you please tell me it's number?"

"Ummm sure it's 911." he says sounding concerned

"Wow I would've never guessed that they need to make their number so much easier. thank you kind sir." I say.

when I hang up everyone falls to the floor laughing. Especially Zeke he keeps forgetting he's sitting on Tobias's lap so when he leans back laughing he hits his head on Tobias's jaw.

"ouch man!" Tobias exclaims while touching his jaw.

"Sorry baby." Zeke says while patting his jaw trying to make it feel better.

"That didn't help." Tobias says patting Zeke's jaw the same way he did it to Tobias

"Well what will mister picky pants?" Zeke asks putting his hands on his hips

"Picky pants? what are you 5?" Tobias asks

I grin and kiss his jaw where he got hit.

"And now that's how to make me feel better." he says

"Yep! suck it Zeke just admit it I'm better then you!" I say. Tobias laughs and gives me a kiss 

"Ewwww gross no PDA!" Christina shouts while throwing a pillow at us, but we still don't pull away and Tobias takes the pillow and throws it back to Christina.

Zeke pushes us away from each other forcing us to seperate. I whine and cross my arms and Tobias chuckles and puts his arm around me. This time not letting Zeke fall on top of him.

"Ok Marlene truth or dare?" I ask


"I dare you to lick the person you hate the most."

She looks around then decides to take her shirt off,"I like everyone in this room just to make it clear."

"Shauna truth or dare?"

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