Chapter 8

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Disclaimer- I don't own Divergent that right goes to Veronica Roth I just wrote the plot.

Tobias's POV

"Well I came up with this genius idea of having teams. So there will be two people per team, three for one because we have an odd number." Zeke says

"Explain in detail." Will says

"Ok so one group gives another a truth or dare and that group has to decide if they want to do it or not and if they don't then they both take off an article of clothing so kind of what we've been doing but just more fun and at the end of the day there is a losing team and they have to do something really embarrassing and they can't turn it down." Zeke explains and every nods agreeing with his idea.

"So we have to come up with teams then." Lynn says

"I think that we should do girls with girls and guys with guys." Shauna says and everyone agrees with her.

"I pick Four!!!" Zeke shouts and runs up to me while slinging his arm around my shoulder.

I chuckle,"Ok so that means that Uriah and Will are together."

"And I'm with Trissy!" Christina says nudging Tris making her smile in return.

"Yay! So that means Lynn, Shuana, and I are together. I wouldn't be able to pick between the two!" Marlene says and they all grin.

"I think that we should have 5 minutest to talk about our plan." Tris says

Zeke sighs,"Fine 5 minutes and that's it I wanna get this game started!" then he drags me into his room.

I smirk at him and ruffle his hair,"My little Zekey is all grown up. I've never seen you take charge."

He glares at me and fixes his hair,"Hey! No touching the hair!"

I laugh,"Ok ok so what's are plan?"

"Umm to win." Zeke says

"No duh I mean what is our strategy going to be?"

"I say we wing it and use our creative juices."

"And the old Zeke is back. Ok let's go back to the living room." We sit there and joke around for the next 3 minutes and finally everyone comes back in.

"Finally now we can get the game started!" Zeke exclaims

Zeke and I are sitting on one the sofas, Shauna Lynn and Marlene are sitting on the other one, and Uriah and Will sit on chairs across from us, and Christina and Tris are sharing a arm chair. That way all of the teams are seperate so from each other.

"I say we put our team names in the hat and pick one to see which team goes first." Uriah says

"Seriously what has happened to the Pedrad brothers today? They are actually coming up with ideas!" Tris says surprised. I laugh oh how I love her.

"What? is it that hard to believe that we can actually think of a plan?" Uriah asks

"Uh yeah it is really hard to believe."Chirstina says

"Ok so I think that the team names should be our names combined together." Will says we all agree and the girls say something about ship names which I don't get. Will starts to write stuff on little slips of paper then puts it in the bucket in the middle.

"I call picking the names!" Zeke exclaims and pulls out a slip.

"The tributes for the 74th annual hunger games are Urill!" Zeke says like Effie from the Hunger Games. Gosh he's so stupid.

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