04| The pervert and the commanding idiot.

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She consumed in me a heroic madness
I wanted to save her from everything
but in the end
she saved me.


The group has been searching for hours now and still hadn't found any trail that said Jasper was close by. They all began to grow tired and Murphy was starting to complain more and more as the minutes ticked by. Yet, besides him and Bellamy, the rest was determined to find Jasper.

Clarke had been walking a good few miles in front of Scarlett, Bellamy and Murphy after the little incident that Bellamy had to start. The younger Griffin was forced to stay with the idiots, since she was the only one who really dared to get physical if it was needed. Finn had joined a few minutes after, deciding that Jasper was worth it and that they needed someone skilled in earth skills. So after a long discussion between Scarlett and Finn, they decided it was best if they split up. When the group was separated, which led to more discussion since Scarlett didn't want to put up with a pervert and a commanding idiot, it was decided that Scarlett was officially stuck with Wells, Murphy and Bellamy and Clarke and Finn were on their own.

Right, because that's totally fair. She scowled inwardly but kept her mouth shut. With all the arguing, they had wasted time. Time they could've really used. "Standing there like a bunch of headless chickens won't safe a life, come on." Scarlett rolled her eyes and started walking, not really caring if they would follow her. Not that they were of much use anyway.

"Guess we got more in common than meets the eye, huh?" Bellamy spoke up after a few minutes in silence. Silence that Scarlett had welcomed with open arms. She ignored it though, but walked a little slower so she could jump in any time if it got that far again.

"We have nothing in common." She heard Wells sigh. The blonde was pleased that she wasn't the only one who was done with their shit.

"No? Both came down here to protect someone we love. Your secret's safe with me. 'Course, for you it's worse. With Finn around, Clarke doesn't even see you. It's like you're not even here." Scarlett grimaced. Now that he said that about Finn and Clarke, they were growing close, which was odd for Clarke because she never really was interested in love. Of course, Scarlett had known that Wells had a crush on her sister but he never really showed it.

"Guys, just shut up. Get under each other's skin when we get back." She groaned and continued her walk, blocking out Murphy's complaints.


"Oh my God, Murphy! Can you, for the love of God, keep your mouth shut. We know it now, your feet hurt and you need your damn beauty sleep, but guess what? I don't fucking care." She seethed, not able to hide her annoyance any longer.

Murphy hurried to her side with a smirk on his face, something that always seemed to be there. "I know you're enjoying it, Griffin."

She gave up, she really did. A scoff escaped her lips, "If that keeps you sleeping at night, then whatever."

"Lets just go back, that goggle kid didn't survive it." Murphy said, somewhat repeating the words Bellamy said earlier.

Scarlett turned around and noticed Bellamy was about to say something but she beat him to it. "What? Scared to get stuck with a spear in your chest? Listen Murphy, go back if you want but I'll make damn sure to prove that Jasper is still alive."

He stayed silent and Scarlett turned around, satisfied with that. She pushed her way through some leaves and stepping out into a clearing, next to a waterfall. She looked around and noticed Finn and Clarke crouched next to a stone, that was covered with something that looked awfully lot like blood. "Guys, I think they found something." She informed the boys, who were standing behind her. She faced them and gave them a look that clearly said 'I told you so!'.

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