Chapter 3

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The next week felt different. Me and Shannon got closer constantly texting each other and talking. I saw an opportunity to see if anything would happen so I asked her to come to my best friends party.
Sophie: Hey Shan. I was just wondering if you are free on Saturday if you wanted to come to Leah's house party with me.
Shannon: yeah I would love to go with you. Just tell me times in English tomoz
Sophie: cool. See u in English.
And with that I lay in my bed and felt myself drift off to sleep.

I woke up early the next morning. I was so excited as I knew tomorrow I was going out with Shannon even if it wasn't a date I was getting to spend time with her outside of school and alcohol was involved so I was going to end up making out with someone before the night finished. As well as being really excited I was also nervous to the point I felt sick because I knew this would probably be the only chance I had to actually spend time with her outside of school and maybe see if we could be more than just friends. These thoughts were suddenly snapped out of my head when my alarm went off so I got up and got ready before my mum would scream and most likely pour ice cold water over my head like she did do some mornings. I ate some toast and yelled bye up to my mum before heading out to my car and driving off to school knowing that Shannon would want to know what was going on tomorrow and I couldn't wait until then. 


So sorry this is a crappy chapter I just needed to get the story to a certain point to continue and couldn't think of anything else to right. So sorry again and I hope you keep reading.

Sophie xx

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