Chapter 11

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I turned to see my grandmother standing there and hugging Vanya.
And suddenly I found somebody standing beside me and I didn't even need to turn to know that it was Vidhushi. Everybody one by one went and greeted her but I just froze at my spot.My grandmother always wanted my father's first child to be a boy and when I was born all her hopes got crushed . She never blamed my mother like those mother in law's in serials whereas she loves my mother like her own daughter she also loves Vanya very much and also vidhushi and all the other girls of our family but since my father was her eldest child and since I am the first child in my family she wanted to have a boy instead of a girl so that he can one day lead the company with Randhir just like my dad and Anirudh uncle because she thinks girls can work but yet cannot handle such a big company . And that is why I have I always tried to be strong and be the boy that I was not but no matter how hard I try she would never love me the way she loves all her other grandchildren and my parents understood how much it hurted me they told her many times that they were very happy they had me instead of a boy .Dad also said to her so many times that he would happily give me the company and he has full faith that I would lead it better than a boy could but nothing ever affected her no matter what I will always be wrong for her . " Sanyukta" I heard someone call me and I saw vidhushi looking at me sympathetically because she knew how much it hurts me when my own grandmother doesn't love the way she love my siblings.And that is the look I hated to see so I gathered all my strength put a smile on my face which was just a mask to hide the emotions I was feeling right now. But then I saw my father looking at me and I know he understood what I was feeling . He just went ahead to greet her and after that turned towards Vanya who was standing by her side and told her to apologise to me but before she could say anything my grandmother said " why should Vanya apologize she was talking to you her father and sanyukta had no right to come in between and tell her to stop . Instead sanyukta should be the one apologising to vanya that because of her my Vanya got scolded by you".
And as she said that everybody looked at her surprisingly and my father got so angry and spoke" why will sanyukta apologize to her " not wanting an argument to start my mother went to my father and told to stop this discussion right now but he instead of listening to her looked at Vanya and said " you asked me why I let all of sanyukta's mistake's slide that is because she never does any mistake. Never has she ever come to me or ur mother to ask for anything like u do , she never demanded anything like u do, she never argued with us nor has she ever talked to us in the way u did today. Today also she went against me for the first time to buy ur dress and instead of thanking her u are blaming her. You know it is all my and ur mother's fault we always bought whatever u demanded and because of that u don't value money the dress u bought today is of Rs. 50,000 am I correct" he looked at Vanya and she just said yes by nodding her head. And my mother looked at her surprisingly and then she looked at me with the same expression and then she backed a bit because she understood that my father getting angry was right. My father then continued " do you even understand how much 50,000 rupees is, how hard a person works to earn it but how would a person like u who spent 3 lakh rupees last month on clothes would understand this. Just because u spent so much last month I put a limit to you card because the money u spend is not yours but my mine and I work very hard to earn it. I agree that u have a right to spend it as u are my daughter but that does not mean u will spend it so casually .
Do you know that your sister works day and night to earn the money she spent on that dress that u will wear just one day. You said why didnt I scold sanyukta because she understands the value of money and has never spent it carelessly moreover she has never been depended on us for money ,she got admission in college at her own merit with full scholarship , she was the topper of her class , she has worked so hard to be at position she is today in the company and earn so that she never has to ask me for money but u on other hand has always depended on me till today instead of trying to work like ur sister u spend your dad's money. Also I asked sanyukta if she bought a dress or not because I know she will always think of other but never get anything for herself and that is what I hate the most that one of my daughter doesn't care about others and just want all her wishes to get fulfilled without even working and my other daughter works so hard that she can have anything she wishes for but she doesn't want anything." After my dad finished there was so much silence in the room and then Vanya spoke to my dad with a few tears forming in her eyes " dad di is your ideal daughter right so it doesn't matter to you how I feel u know what I hate u " with that she ran to her room.
I hope u liked this chapter I have tried hard to make it good . Sorry that it's a bit long.plz vote and comment

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