Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

She shrugged, "A secret. Something you've never told anyone before"

My first reaction was to refuse, push her away and close up my walls, but I found myself wanting to tell her about my past.

Emerald's POV

I was curious for some reason. I wanted to just talk to him like we were talking now; I didn't want this side of Blade to disappear. I didn't want him to suddenly wake up the next morning and be the usual jerk-off like every other day. It felt nice pretending the world was perfect and we could be together with pack involved. I wanted to hear his voice stir me awake all night.

"Well..." he began like he didn't know where to start. "When I was little, my mom ran away because after my dad his own pack, he became completely crazy"

I stayed silent and frozen, not wanting him to change his mind out of the blues and lock me out of his walls again.

"He had some of his men go after her. I remember, because I was eight and underneath his office table. I was stupid and thought we were still playing hide and seek, it turns out that he forgot about me after 10 minutes" I watched as Blade tightened his mouth, "He told his men to not kill her, but to make her life a living hell. A month or two later, she died and they didn't kill her. She killed herself because she couldn't stand it anymore"

I tried not to gasp but a small sound still managed to escape my parted lips. He pushed me away but I held onto him, refusing to let him shove me into the coldness. I held onto his shoulders and enveloped my arms around him tightly, "Tell me more" I whispered in his ear.

I felt him swallow a gulp, "The worst thing is, I never knew what they did to her that drove her into suicide. She had always been strong if she resisted my father for so long, she had to be! I try not to imagine it but sometimes I wish they could have just killer her instead of torturing her for so long. Sometimes I feel like my dad"

I sighed and pulled my arms loosely from around him, "How can you possibly feel like your dad if you're this sweet?"

He chuckled sarcastically, "Sweet? I kissed you then told you I don't want you and to add on, I slept with some other girl the next morning"

"You're nothing like your dad Blade. Everyone makes mistakes. That doesn't make them monsters" I explained.

"The thing is, after that I was too afraid to hate him and when he was killed by a rogue, I didn't cry. It was after he died when I was 12 when I finally admitted I hated him. I was always too afraid to ever think it"

"He's gone now and your mom is probably in someplace better" I told him.

"I miss her" he said, "I can't even remember her face"

"You don't have to remember her face to know that she's happy now"

"How do you know that she's in someplace better?" he asked.

I retrieved my arms from around him and looked him square in the eyes; "Because she gave birth to you, which makes her the best mother ever" He stared back, his golden eyes confused and shocked.

"I'd never guess you would say anything like that. I never thought I'd ever stop hurting"

"It will stop, trust me. Chubby, my pet hamster died when I was three and I cried for weeks but, now I'm over it" I said jokingly.

He laughed and pressed his forehead against mine, "Thankyou" he whispered. "I feel much better"

I smiled up at him, "Good"

He kept his eyes gazing into mine and mine into his, "What do we do about us?" he asked like he didn't know where to go from here. I truthfully didn't know the answer to that.

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