Chapter 12 ~ Tradition!

Start from the beginning

“Let her rip Gip,” Zack cheered and with that the box in Gippal’s hand expanded into a giant movie screen.

“Whoa, I’ve never seen a machina like that,” you gaped.

“‘Course you wouldn’t have. This here is one of my personal designs,” he smiled proudly.

“Yeah Gippal’s a bit of a machina wiz.” Ventus told you.

“Don’t praise him too much though or you’ll never hear the end of it,” Roxas sighed.

“And don’t ever touch any of his machina without asking… it’s dangerous.” Zack shivered.

“What do you mean?” you asked a little concerned.

“Zacky boy here’s just a little traumatised after being attacked by one of Gippal’s creations.” Axel mocked.

“That’s right and if Zack ever breaks my precious machina again I won’t be setting my ‘Imdesyda Faybah’ on easy mode. I’ll set it to kill,” Gippal death glared at Zack.

“Wait, you called your weapon ‘Ultimate Weapon’?” You laughed at the originality.

“Yeah you got a prob- wait you speak al bhed?” Gippal raised a brow.

“Oab (Yep)” you gave a cheeky grin.

“Luum (Cool)” Gippal chuckled.

“Enough with the other languages,” Zack squirmed on your legs making you, Axel and Roxas collectively slap him to stop. “Ow, geez just start the movie already,” He complained.

“Eteud (Idiot),” you and Gippal sighed together making the two of you giggle before Gippal finally started the film.

The movie was actually quite interesting. It was about four warriors of light who set out on a quest to defeat four elemental fiends and restore light to these orbs which will in turn save the world. The light warriors had just liberated the town Pravoka from Bikke and his band of sky pirates when there was a knock at the door, which evidently no one decided to answer. Another knock and still no one moved. Finally whoever it was gave up on knocking and just came in.

“You guys are still doing this,” Vincent sighed walking through the door before going to stand in front of the screen. His appearance was met with a lot of whining and even a couple of pillows flying at his head but he easily dodged them before shooting the throwers death glares. Finally Gippal paused the movie and people seemed to calm down.

“What do you want?” Reno asked not looking happy.

“You better make sure you put the room back the way you found it.” Vincent complained.

“Don’t we always,” Sora smiled.

“No you don’t,” Vincent grumbled.

“We’ll be sure to put everything back,” Leon assured him.

“Would you like to join us?” Genesis offered.

“No, I’m just here to give this to -----,” Vincent held up a little white envelope. You decided it would be easier for you to go over and get it then have him crawl to you so you abruptly stood causing Zack’s head to drop and for him to face plant into the mattress.

“Oops,” you stifled a giggle as you carefully manoeuvred your way to the edge of the bed taking care not to step on anyone. “Thanks,” you said taking the envelope before dropping to sit on the edge of the bed. You opened the envelope while the rest of the room seemed to curiously look on in silence. The letter read:

Dear -----,

Thanks for that excellent match earlie,r I expected nothing less. I understand you are fitting in quite nicely with your new classmates. Well done and thank you for not killing them on your first day!

Now down to business. As part of our deal you are to do perimeter checks of the school grounds on occasion. I think it would be best to start you off easy so please report to the west forest gate as some shadows have been spotted in the area. Take care of them and then you can get back to your movie night.

From Makarov

P.S. If there’s any popcorn, BRING ME SOME!

You sighed to yourself as you stood up and walked to your wardrobe. “Sorry guy’s looks like you’ll have to continue without me.” You told them.

“Where are you going?” Tidus asked.

“I just have some business to take care of. Don’t worry I won’t be too long,” You said grabbing some black pants and a blue tank top from your wardrobe deciding it would probably be easier to fight in them than your uniform. You changed in the bathroom before leaving much to everyone else’s protests. Even Vincent wanted to know where you were going.

“Argh, just get back to your movie I’ll be back soon.” You growled before slamming the door behind you.

A/N: Hey guys! So yeah this chapter was kinda bore central but I’m working up to the exciting stuff that’s in the next chapter and I had to split it in two or it would have been too long. Anyway, in the nearish future you’re going to be going on a mission and you take three of your classmates with you therefore I have decided to let you guy’s pick who you want to go with. So either comment or inbox me your choice and the most popular three will be chosen okay. You can vote for up to three people. If you got any questions just ask. See ya in the next chapter!

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