I raised a finger to my lips and winked at him playfully, "What's a few scratches compared to the torture Jack will put all those guards through? Relax Jamie... We're almost out of here", I smiled wide and reassuringly.

Jamie nodded his head and kept his grasp on my arm, trying to not separate from us.

Speaking of which, Jack was sprinting towards our last exit and his expression still had his bloodlust in tact. I chuckled softly and gazed at him...even if he was a psycho, I just couldn't stop loving him.

"Alright! Take a left here and we'll meet up with Jonathan and his team!"

"What about the guards?!!"

"Them too!"

Jack's eyes twinkled again and, for some reason, it appeared to me that his sharp, jagged teeth were beginning to drool... I shrunk back in fear and realized Jack's thirst for blood was growing by the second—he'd soon explode when we'd reach the exit and show no mercy to any of the guards.

Soon, as we pulled up in front of a railing, guns  and rifles were immediately pointed towards me. My breath hitched in my throat and I instinctively raised my arms to shield myself from the guards below.

However, as Jack threw himself off the railing and eagerly darted towards the men, the sound of rapid fire wasn't as terrifying as I thought it'd be—probably because it didn't last for long.

Every time an man shot at Jack, the monochrome clown would cut him down and silence their guns. I watched in utter horror as Jack ripped open his victims and whimsically pulled out their organs...only to replace them with candy.

Blood splattered all over the walls and some reached the railing and stained my clothes. I recoiled from the scene and Jamie gripped my arm comfortingly before I could turn away from the bloodshed.

I chose to be with Jack, now I had to remain by his side. Never will I leave him...even if I have to force myself to watch his brutal murders. I have to accept all of him...I have to accept these deaths, for I chose to love the one who caused them.

Men coughed and choked on their own blood as their bodies began to wear out. Some of the guards fidgeted and spazzed as the last of their senses disappeared.

The strong stench of blood clung to the air and I collapsed on my knees. My trembling hands clutched the railing and, as Jack's horrific laughter filled my ears, I cried and prayed for the men below us.

Jamie rubbed my back and whispered, "You'll get used to it...we all do."

The rest of the children entered the room and stood beside me on the railing. I stared up at their small bodies and noticed blood streaming down their hands and mouths. Chunks of meat and shredded flesh hung from their teeth and fingernails. I covered my mouth and held back the vomit pooling up in my throat.

Then, with a wave of Jack's hand, the bodies disappeared. All the blood vanished and the smell quickly faded. Jack no longer was laughing and instead he was proudly walking back towards me. He noticed the despair on my face and smiled warmly at me.

He bent down and cupped my face with his claws. His lips traced over mine and, even if he was drenched in blood, I quickly slammed my lips against his and gave myself to him.

Cursed Smile: Laughing Jack x Reader | C O M P L E T E DWhere stories live. Discover now