
      Jimin was just staring at me with a soft smile, he looked zoned out. I laughed. "What the hell, Jimin, you're scaring me."
      He came back to reality and looked away. "What, hm?" He asked, acting clueless. We both had the same expression on our faces, pursing our lips. I don't know about Jimin, but I was doing it to keep myself from smiling stupidly like he just was. I don't even know why. He was just bored and wanted to get out of the house, it's not even a fucking date, Jesus, he just said that. Why am I acting weird now? I felt all tingly inside. I'm so stupid, this was nothing... But I want to go with you! I recall him saying.
      Ugh, stupid Laura get that thought out of your head. Why was I feeling so strange? This was nothing compared to when we kissed....
      What? Why was I randomly remembering that all of a sudden? I honestly forgot all about it up until now. I recall that day, how he was such a better kisser than Liam.
      Oh god. I need to stop, what the fuck is wrong with me?!
      "Laura?" Jimin asked. I snapped back to reality and wiped the stupid look off my face.
      "What?" I ask, acting natural.
      "You were in pretty deep thought just then." He asked with a grin. "What were you thinking about?" He asked as he slightly cocked his head to the side.
      "N-nothing, I zoned out, it was nothing, shut the hell up." I stammered quickly. Oh god, I'm such an idiot.
      "Woah, ok, jeez!" He said while chuckling. Actually, I started wondering what he was thinking about earlier too...
      "I'll tell you if you tell me." I lied. Ha, no way in hell I would tell him.
      He understood what I meant. He considered it for a few moments. "I forgot." He said.
      "Excuses, excuses." I said accusingly. "I thought you were confident! What, do I make you too nervous?" I ask. Damn, that was one of the few smooth things I ever say.
      He raise his eyebrows. "Not bad." He said with a smirk. "You know I never get nervous. No, I literally forgot." He said. I don't know why but I didn't believe him.
      He stayed silent for a moment. "How can you tell?" He said, giving in. "Alright, you tell first, then I will." He said. Oh my god, Jimin didn't want to tell me. That's really rare, for him to be scared to say something. What could he have been thinking about that he wouldn't want to say aloud?
      I looked at him peculiarly. "Do you think... Maybe... We were thinking the same thing?" I asked. He thought it over.
      "How about on the count of three, we both say it al the same time?" He suggested.
      "Fine." I said. "1."
      Neither of us spoke, obviously hoping the other person would say their thought alone. We laughed. "Whatever, it's not gonna work. I guess we'll never know." He said.
      "Yeah." I replied. We kind of just looked at each other for a few seconds. We stared deep into each others eyes, neither of us blinked. After a little while, Jimin squinted. I was desperately trying not to close my eyes but the air was getting to me. After a good 10 more seconds, I had to blink. "Damn it."
      "HA! I win!!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, Laura, let's do a quick challenge." He suggested. "You have to try your best not to blush. Just to see how long you can last." He said with a smirk.
      I scoffed a laugh. "You think I can control that? Idiot. And also, there's nothing you can do to make me blush." I lie. Suddenly, he leaned closer, grinning evily.
      "Really?" He asked. I kept a straight face. I exhaled, trying not to let my face get hot. He got really close. His smile faded when he was an inch away from my face. I wonder how many times I've been in this exact position. I kept a straight face. I felt goosebumps all over me, but I kept a brave face and looked him in eyes. Don't blush, don't blush. Jimin wouldn't accept defeat. He brought his hand up and gently touched my lip with his thumb. He leaned in more, and when I thought he was gonna kiss me his lips went right next to my ear. "You're not that bad at this. I thought you would've failed by now." He whispered. I had butterflies and goosebumps and weird feels everywhere but I refused to show it on my face. I was used to this, it was just a challenge anyway, I guess the fact that it wasn't really happening helped me keep myself from turning into a tomato. He didn't give up.
      Suddenly, he roughly pushed me down on to the bed and got on top of me. "I won't lose." He said. Oh god, I could feel myself getting nervous. He quickly brought his face to mine and in a merely second, our noses were touching and his lips just barely caressed mine. Shit. My face got red, I knew it. It was hot and my palms were sweaty. "You lost." He said quietly. Even though the challenge was over, he didn't move away, and all of a sudden it felt real. I blushed harder by the second. Beads of sweat were now on my forehead. "Laura..." He whispered, barely making a single noise.
     "Y-yes?" I stutter quietly. He laughed and backed away. He got off me and stood up.
      "Times up. V is gonna come in here any second to take you to his lesson, we wouldn't want him walking in on us in that position, now would we?" He asked. He was off me now, the moment was gone, but I still felt super nervous and I knew it still showed on my face. "Wow, I really have an affect on you, don't I?" He asked in a satisfied tone.
I was about to say no, but that was a complete lie and we both knew it. "You should go before V comes." I said slowly, trying my very best not to stutter.
He smiled. "Bye Laura." He said with a wink before exiting. The second the door closed, I had a mini seizure and threw a pillow across the room. I wasn't mad, it was just one of those times where you had to many feelings and you needed to move around to get rid of them. I lay on my bed and didn't hold back my idiotic smile since no one was here. God, I have no fucking clue why I was being such a clichéd girl! I slapped myself a few times and stopped smiling. Ugh, I'm so weird it's gross. I sighed. I heard foot steps coming. Taehyung. I sat up and acted completely natural, like none of which did just happened.
He knocked before walking in. "Hey. It's time for your stealth lesson." He said. He seemed to be in a sad mood because he wasn't nearly as cheerful as usual.
"Right, ok." I said, getting up. I turned around and put my wrists together for him to tie me, but he lightly grabbed my shoulder.
"I don't think I really need to tie you. We're only going downstairs so it's fine." He said as he guided me out. Oh my god, literally the only thing he was holding me by was my shoulder, and he barely was. I could run right now....
Yeah, run and leave Nicole to get killed. I pushed the thought out of my head and continued walking. V had a blank expression. We got to the living room and we sat down. "Ok, so for today's lesson-"
"Are you alright, V?" I asked. He seemed pretty down.
"What? Yeah, I'm fine." He said.
"You're not acting like yourself." I said. After I said it is when I realized how strange it sounded. I was talking like I actually knew him well.
"Do me a favor?" He suddenly asked. I nod. "Can you talk to Nicole? She's really not cooperating in her lessons and she's giving all of us a really hard time with her attitude." He explained. Even though Nicole seems like a rude person to everyone, she's honestly really weird and clumsy and stupid in a funny way when she was around her close friends. I never expected her to react to fiercely to all this.
"Yeah, I can do that." I said. His face lit up a little.
"Really? Thanks Laura." He said, a bit more cheerfully than before. "Alright anyway, today's lesson is going actually take place at night. For now we're doing the planning." He said. Hm, sounded interesting. "So after we discuss how you're going to do it, at night when all the members are just in their rooms or roaming around, but not quite asleep, I'll open the door for you, but that's all I'm doing. Your job is to get downstairs into the kitchen, steal whatever food you want, and come back to your room without getting caught. For now, I'm going to teach you the exact route to get to your room from the kitchen so you don't get lost."
He guided me to my kitchen. From there, he pointed things out to help me remember which way to go. This house is so fucking big with so many halls, I doubted I would be able to do this. He showed me which halls to go down, which ones so avoid, and when we got upstairs again he showed me how to return to my room. It was a lot of instructions. I'd never actually roamed around the house on my own like that, never without someone dragging me and guiding me.
We now stood in front of my door. "Ok, now try to get to the kitchen." V said simply. Shit. I took a deep breath. It's the same thing he just showed me, but in reverse. Not too hard, right?
He followed me from a good distance, obviously to make sure I didn't escape. I tried to recall what he just told me, but it was rapidly slipping away from my memory. Within 20 seconds I was lost. "Shit. Taehyung help me." I said, giving up. He laughed. Over and over again, he showed me the exact same route. After trying about a million times, I finally got to the kitchen and back.
"Ok, enough for now. Nice job. Now don't forget everything cause you'll need it again later today." He said with a smile. "See you tonight, for now you have another lying lesson with J-Hope." He said before leaving me in my room. A few minutes later, Hoseok came in. Damn, lessons were going by quick today.
This lesson was mostly about how to not break character, how to not stutter, how to make firm eye contact. He taught me a bunch of little tricks on how to make things believable. Hm, this stuff could be useful to me in other aspects of life too...
He did some demonstrations and I practiced them a few times aswell. Even though I was listening and paying good attention, I always kept the route in mind, refusing to let myself forget it and screw up tonight's mission.
By the time my lying lesson was over, it was already getting late. I thought I would be done for the day, but Namjoon decided that there was time for one more.
      Fuck. My. Life.
      I was unwillingly dragged to the basement. "Alright, it's only going to be a tiny bit worse than last time, but Nicole got through it so you will to." He said with no spirit. Was that supposed to encourage me? I felt nauseous just thinking about what he would make me do. "Let's start with 100 burpees, not to bad." He said. Not to bad?!? My eyes went wide and I almost died just thinking about the upcoming pain.
      I resisted until the gun came out. When I began, I did what I always knew a burpee to be, jump up, come down, chest to ground, but I was immediately stopped. "Is that what you call a burpee?" Suga asked, looking disgusted.
      "Um, yes?" I said, suddenly terrified.
      "CHEST TO GROUND?!" He yelled in disbelief.
      He scoffed. "You do a fucking push- up Laura. Chest to ground doesn't exist in my world." He said sternly. I nodded and immediately started again, the Yoongi way, unfortunately. By 55, I couldn't feel my arms.
      "Suga, please, let...." I stopped to breathe. "L-let me.... Take.... A b-break." I said.
      "NEVER MIND!" I screamed as I continued. I tried to think happy thoughts, but I knew nothing would save me from death this time.


      "GOD DAMN ITTTT!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I sounded just like Eren from AOT when he screams right before turing into his titan form. All 7 guys and Nicole were all down here cheering for me. It was super embarrassing to have all of them watch me slowly die from this workout, but I have to admit it did help a little to have so much encouragement. Namjoon had come down to check on us, but when he saw me struggling so hard he told everyone to come and cheer for me. Taehyung insisted on letting Nicole tag along too, so they let her. The door was locked and there were 7 armed men around her, so she wouldn't be running away. They all seemed to be having a pretty good time, laughing with each other, cheering me on, yelling and all that shit. Bastards, they don't know how painful this really is.
      Even Nicole seemed pretty happy for now, probably for the first time since she got here she was laughing too. Honestly, I can't really believe she is since her parents and everything, but her and Taehyung were talking and having fun so at least she got a break from all this depression.
      I finished my warm up (100 burpees, 80 squats jumps, 60 sit ups, and 40 leg lifts) and I had moved on to 20 minutes of running on the treadmill and boxing. Right now I was in my last minute of cycling. 45 seconds left on the clock. I breathed super heavily and pushed through these last seconds of fucking torture.
Everyone was yelling inspirational stuff at my face and at this point it was so fucking annoying. I can't believe they were having such a good time while my heart was about to stop. I began to get really dizzy as I continued. So close... So fucking close...
Right when I was 100% I was going to black out and die, the timer went off. Everyone cheered and clapped and whooped. The second the timer went off I stopped moving and using energy to hold myself up. I turned to jelly and literally fell off the cycling thing, landing hard on my side. The second I fell I screamed in pain and all the cheers stopped. They all ran to my aid but before anyone helped me I stopped them.
"NO ONE FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I screamed. They all slowly back away. "P-please.... Let me.... Rest... I beg...." I said while panting immensely. I closed my eyes and rested there on the floor. After what seemed like forever, someone started clapping their hands in my face.
"LAURA WAKE UPPPP!!!!!" Someone screamed. I slowly opened my eyes.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"You fell asleep there on the floor. We decided to just let you be but its late and you should go to bed." The person said. I rubbed my eyes to get clearer vision and the person was Suga.
I moved to a sitting position, but when I did every inch of me was in pain. I groaned. "It feels like I've been stabbed everywhere thanks to your fucking workout." I said.
Yoongi smiled. "Well thank you." He said. Ha, he thought that was a compliment, this dumb ass.
"Where did everyone go?" I asked.
"To their rooms, wherever, I don't know. Just get up and get to your room." He said. He refused to give me a hand so I pushed myself to my feet despite how sour I was. He brought me back upstairs. I changed and got ready for bed. I jumped under the covers since I was super tired, but unfortunately right before I fell asleep Taehyung walked in.
"You ready?" He said excitedly with a boxy smile, obviously back to his normal self. I sighed and got up even though I desperately wanted to stay in bed. I guess lessons weren't over for the day after all. Then, I remembered what I was going to gain from this little mission.
I grinned devilishly at the thought of food waiting for me in the kitchen. I cracked my knuckles and slapped myself to wake up. Finally when I was ready, I walked out of that damn room with no rope on me and no one guiding me anywhere. I smirked.
"Let's do this."

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