Marked Of The Undead chapter 2

Start from the beginning

man stood behind me, equally as big. They both looked as if they were from the

party, which meant that they were going to be assholes.

I didn't want to take any chances. Evaluating my situation, I noted a

restaurant a short run from where I stood. My hand snaked into my purse searching

blindly for my pepper spray.

"You need a ride somewhere?" the first guy inquired, "My car's not far.”

 Casually, the second guy said, "Seriously, why don't you come for a little ride with us?" He grinned at his buddy, as if the smooth rap was definitely going to get him laid.

The first guy laughed, crinkling the scar on his cheek. His thin blonde hair

flapped in the breeze as he crossed to over by my other side.

"Let's ride her!" he exclaimed.

Where is that damn spray?

The blonde guy reached out touching my hair, fulfilling his aforementioned desire.

I stared towards the dim red glow of the restaurant sign; looking at it it might be too far.

Someone walk by, someone walk by, I repeated over and over in my head, each thought rising in panic.

"Wanna tell us your name?" the second guy questioned, his teeth shining in the

night like the grin of the Cheshire Cat.

My heart pounded against my rib cage as I realized that the pepper spray was in my

other bag. My feet were lifted from the ground as the blonde brute dragged me

backwards, his arms squeezing my upper arms and pinning them to my sides.

Wrapping one of his massive arms around my middle, he covered my mouth with a

thick, sweaty palm.

 My body flailed, trying to find a foothold from which to

kick the second man, who was slowly advancing on me. Holding him away with one

leg, I pushed down with the other, landing directly on the blonde guy's foot.

The heel of my boot ripped through the ratty fabric of his shoes causing him to

yell out in pain, dropping his grip on me. I lunged for freedom, but soon felt

his arm drawing me back in.

"You're gonna regret that, bitch." he growled in my ear as his arm tightened around

me, stopping me from breathing. He wrenched my neck so hard I felt as if it

would snap right then and there.

My vision became darker and darker as they moved me. Where are we going? Bile

stung at the back of my throat as my stomach involuntarily heaved. I jerked

once again, hoping that maybe he had let his guard down. For my efforts I

received another deathly squeeze.

My body thumped against something hard, the blonde attacker pushing me in the

direction of it. Driving my elbow into his ribs, I lashed out once again.

"Goddamn it. Grab her arms." The first attacker commanded. His partner wrenched my

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