His Human Mother

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Amelia watched as the human female began to heal her daughter. Cornelius squirmed in her arms, obviously wanting to be with his sleeping mother.

She was never comfortable around humans (with the exception of her daughter) not because of what they did to their kind.

But because of what Kira is going to do.

She knew Kira was different among the apes when she was a child and the cold truth that she was human put her in a position that one day, the humans would come to take her daughter away.

Ellie could feel the intense stare of the female ape beside her.

When she saw the human female wearing clothes that came from plants she thought she was a prisoner to the ape.

She was surprised when the female quickly reacted when Carver pointed the gun at the young male chimpanzee and the baby.

She saw the familiar look almost every mother had.

The look of a mother protecting her young.

"Okay, she has a small fever from the fight nothing too serious and may have a bruise on the forehead but overall, she's fine"

Amelia sighed with relief when the human female confirmed her daughter was not in serious danger.

"If its not much to ask. What is she to all of you?" Ellie couldn't help but ask that question. When she was about to help the poor girl the apes reacted and pinned her down.

As if they don't want her near her.

Amelia looked at the human female "Daughter..." She pointed at Kira then at herself. Shock was etched in the female's face.

"Son..." She pointed again to Kira then at Cornelius who suddenly stopped squirming and was now looking at the human female curiously.

"Queen..." She gestured outside, towards the hooting apes.

Ellie was less surprised when the ape spoke but was stunned to think that the girl lying on the nest was actually the queen of the apes and the wife of Caesar.

Ellie watched as the ape took hold of the girls hand and flattened her palm for the ape to press her own flattened palm.


The hands fitted perfectly (despite the size) Ellie suddenly understood what this ape meant.

Even if they were a different race, they were equals.


I felt my strength coming back to me as I opened my eyes, harsh light greeted my face and I closed my eyes again.

Note to self: make sure to place ivy vines along the cracks of the rocks.

I felt someone grasping my hand and my face turned to Ryker.

"Hey sleeping ape" Ryker signed. I noticed he didn't look too good. In fact, he looked like he hadn't sleep for days.

"Ryker have you been sleeping?" I signed with a raised brow. Ryker's smile faltered before he frowned and shook his head. Livius entered and his eyes brightened when he saw me

"Your Awake!" He hooted with joy and dashed towards me, only to crash onto Ryker's chest.

"She's still healing chimp! Have some sensitivity!"

I rolled my eyes. Ryker and sensitivity never mix well, so why is he acting all mother ape all of a sudden?

"Ryker, you never act like this. What is wrong?"

Livius looked at Ryker as if he was seeing somebody else and took a step back.

Ryker rubbed his neck, obviously uncomfortable in signing or hooting to me what was wrong.

"When I saw you...I just...DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN!" He finally signed and hooted wildly. I blinked in shock because I know Ryker never lose his cool until something bad happened that made him look like this.

Livius jumped back at the harsh gesture his older brother was signing to his older sister.

"Ryker I'm fine. Its you that needs to stop acting like this. The human male caught me off guard" I tried to reason out. Ryker heaved a sigh before pressing his flattened palm to mine.

I held out my other to Livius and he pressed his palm to mine.


Brothers and Sister.

A loud scuffle caught us by surprise as Blue Eyes came in and saw us.

"Am I interrupting something?" He signed. I disconnected our palms and shook my head before smiling and holding out my hand for my son to take.

Ryker and Livius left, knowing I needed to have a moment with my eldest son.

I knew the question of me being his human mother was still plaguing his mind and I decided to settle this by talking to him alone.


Blue Eyes had never been so uncomfortable around his human mother.

When Koba told him his mother was a human, he wanted to deny it but she confirmed it saying she was.

He wanted to hate her just as he did to all of the humans but he couldn't...

She was his mother...

She was the only one who was there for him (aside from Koba) when he needed someone.

She was the one who raised him.

The one who took care of him.

She even was the one who protected him and Cornelius from an early death.

"My son..." A soft, raspy but audible voice reached his ears and he looked up to meet the gaze of his mother.

"When you got hurt..."

Images of her getting hit by Carver flew into his mind and he felt his blood run cold when blood began pouring our of her nose.

"I'm getting old.." Kira signed humorlessly. Blue Eyes said nothing but walked towards the nest and sat down beside her.

He had heard when humans die, blood gushed out of their nose.

Kira, with the remaining strength she has, took hold of her son's head and pressed her forehead to his.

Blue Eyes spent the rest of the day beside his mother, listening to her past life with his blood relatives while she continuously groomed him.

Never knowing they were being watched.


Koba wanted to snarl at the human female that was his queen.

As  he would ever accept that pathetic human as his queen.

He knew Blue Eyes's thoughts on the humans were slowly changing due to Kira.

He needed to change that.

And the only way to change that was to eliminate the obstacles that was blocking his way.

And Kira was the main one.

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