A Growing Community

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Small drops of rain fell from the cloudy skies and onto the moist soil.

The weather was humid and it proved to be a perfect day to go out hunting.

So why the heck am I lying down on the moss bed being attended to like a baby chimp?

Currently I WAS lying down on a grassy moss bed being surrounded by many midwives along with my mother and my brother, Ryker.

"Can some ape please tell me why am I even here again?" I signed annoyingly. Caesar had gone out with a few scouts to go hunting with Blue Eyes and my little brother, Livius.

Still can't believe I actually gave birth to a baby ape.

It really was impossible for a human to even give birth to an ape but my mother said about me being so adapted to our ways my body was slowly becoming more accustomed to the ape way.

"Because you are unfit to even go out hunting this season" mother signed nonchalantly. I pouted "I should be with Caesar and the boys today!"

"Feelings mutual Kira. Can't believe I got stuck here and be a chimp sitter"

I snarled, my mood swings coming on high "what did you say brother?..." The midwives scooted away, knowing another brother and sister brawl was coming.

"Nothing dear sister..." Ryker signed smugly. Mother shot Ryker a warning glare as I growled and was about to sign a round of foul words when liquid suddenly escaped my lower part.

I froze with my eyes wide as the full moon. Ryker raised a brow "what's the matter? Got something in your throat?"

Instead of answering him with my hands, my mouth did the talking.

I gave out the loudest wail I could muster before my throat hurt and I lay back down clutching my stomach.

The midwives suddenly moved in a frenzy as mother immediately placed a damp cloth on my head while others tried to make me relax so as to not to overwork the growing life inside of me.

Ryker panicked as he started pacing back and forth which did not help my condition.

"Be useful enough and go get Father!" I managed to sign and Ryker was out of my alcove as soon as I finish signing the last word.

Where is Caesar?! He should be here?!

I felt hurt knowing he would not be here to witness the birth of his second child but I was too preoccupied with my pain that I didn't notice the apes already hooting excitedly outside.


Caesar had just arrived back from the hunt and they had managed to catch a few elks and a bear. He frowned, Blue Eyes always disobeyed him every time he ordered him not to something that would end up threatening his life.

And he almost got killed by a bear.

He winced, he could already picture the broken image of Kira crying for Blue Eyes and it was not a healthy thing for the life inside of her.

He smiled as he greeted his people and told Blue Eyes to help Ash unload all the food they caught.

Livius went after them to help and to talk to Blue Eyes about the newest member of the Royal Ape Family.

He's growing up to be a fine ape.

Caesar couldn't help but think as he watched Livius for a moment. He saw Maurice teaching the young apes about sign languages and the ground rules of being an ape.

1. Ape not kill ape.

2. Knowledge is Power.

3. Apes Together Strong.

Beside those words were carvings of what it looked like two apes baring their teeth at one another, a book with alphabets and four apes with there hands linked together.

United and Strong.

Caesar couldn't help but beam with pride at the growing community he and Kira had created.

He was currently talking to Koba, Rocket and a few scouts when a female hoot made him look up at the midwife who came out of his Kira's alcove.

She frantically hooted "Kira need Caesar! She now give birth to child!" Caesar's eyes widen. He was actually not expecting this kind of surprise when he returned.

He hastily climbed up to their alcove while the apes watched their leader in wonder before they suddenly hooted excitedly.

The newest member of the Royal Ape Family was about to be born.


My breathing was labored and I drew in pants like I had run a mile without ever drinking water.

I groaned in pain as mother tried to comfort me.

Where was Caesar?

My question was answered when I felt footsteps coming in and I saw a blurry vision of a midwife pulling the others away so as to give way to a blurry figure in front of me.

I closed my eyes and whined before weakly raising my hand to be taken by the familiar rough hand of Caesar.

My mother scooted away and I opened my eyes to see Caesar's peaceful face in front of me and all of my stress faded away.

Does this ape even realize what he's doing to me?

I groaned again in pain when my mother signed for me to push and I felt like I was slowly dying as I did.

I curled myself into a ball and pushed with all my might until...

A tiny baby scream reached ears. I heaved a huge sigh as I took hold of my son and held him tenderly in my arms.

I looked at Caesar as he looked at me then back at the baby with a smile. I saw Blue Eyes and Livius walk in and I smiled weakly at them.

"Come, meet your new brother" Caesar signed to Blue Eyes and Livius let Blue Eyes have his time with his baby nephew.

He couldn't help but give a proud smile to his sister. Any ape would be lucky enough to have Kira as a sister and/or a wife.

"Sis!" A loud hoot made me look at the breathless Ryker with father breathing not so heavily u like Ryker as if he had ran for miles on end.

I smiled as I watched my entire family (including the apes outside) take a peek at the baby in my arms.

"Just in time to meet my son...Cornelius"

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