Human Contact

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It took almost all of my energy not to fall asleep while the apes took turns in seeing my son.

Caesar had gone out to have a talk with Maurice and my family had already left for their home despite Livius protesting that he wanted to have some quality time with his nephew. Father too agreed with Livius but one glare from mother sent them walking home with a few distances away from mother.

Does he even realize we are just a few feet away from their home?

I looked down and saw the resemblance between him and Caesar, he really got his father's looks.

But his eyes are a bit lighter. No doubt due to my jade eyes.

When the last ape left the room, I yawned and so did the little bundle in my arms.

Caesar entered and I smiled "had a nice talk with Maurice?" Caesar nodded and proceeded to lay down beside me with our new son in my arms.

We smiled at each other before sleep took us.


Early the next morning, Blue Eyes and Ash went out early to hunt for food.

They stood stood in the shallow banks of a river not far from the colony.

Blue Eyes winced when he felt his recent wounds from yesterday burn but it was slowly healing. Ash noticed the foul mood Blue Eyes was emitting and decided to cheer him up.

"Congratulations on being an older brother now"

Ash hooted and Blue Eyes grinned at that. However, he still felt embarrassed for almost ruining his father's hunt and endangering both their lives yesterday.

But for the adolescent ape, he really was just excited in proving himself to his father that he was capable of taking care of himself.

Ash gave a cheer once his spear caught a fish and held it by the tail.

"Uh...Ash, you're suppose to -" before Blue Eyes could finish, the fish slipped out of Ash's grasp, hitting the ape's face in the process by it's tail.

Ash yelped and the fish swam away. Blue Eyes laughed "as I was saying, you're suppose to hold it by the gills" Ash glared at Blue Eyes, still onto the fact that a fish just escaped his grasped.

The sun was slowly rising up and the two decided to head back home before the sin would shine.

"Say Ash, why is it your father treats you like a grown ape while my father treats me like a child?!"

Blue Eyes grumbled while Ash hooted "he's just looking out for you" Blue Eyes seemed to consider that but the only ape that treated him like he was actually a grown up was Koba.

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