The Search

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Ryker and Livius never had been so stunned and horrified in their life.

They had just witnessed their sister fall to her doom and Caesar getting shot by Koba.

"We Must Find Them!"

Livius hooted and was about to go down when Ryker held him back.

He knew the forest was big and y would take a long time for them to find Kira.

"We need help"

The two brothers immediately ran towards home not bothering to warn the apes about Koba's doing.

Looking for Kira and Caesar wee he first things on their minds.


Amelia and Julius went into a fut of rage when Ryker and Livius informed them of Koba's doing.

"We must stop him!"

Giovanni roared, the apes hooted wildly in agreement. Julius raised his hand up to silence them.

"Our main priority is to find Kira and Caesar. We go in groups! Ryker, you and Livius take 8 apes with you ad search the west part of the forest. Giovanni, you and the others take left. Amelia and I will take he right"

The apes quickly went out as soon as the order was given. Each set out to find their ape princess.


By morning, Alexander and Ellie wandered around the clearing. After Koba told the apes it was their fault that Kira and Caesar died they had escaped and fled.

Malcolm got separated in the group so as to distract oncoming apes from taking them away.

They heard a rustle and Alexander screamed, hoping it was his father "Dad!?"

Ellie turned around at a stump of a tree and gasped.

Caesar lay half dead on the forest floor, looking lifeless. Suddenly, his eyes turned to them.

"Malcolm!" Ellie screamed.


Caesar didn't say anything when Malcolm and his group carried him away. All he ever wanted was to lie back into the ground and die.

Images of Kira being shot by Koba filtered his mind.


Why did he do this?

Betrayal and hurt flashed across his eyes.

Because of him Kira was dead.

Because of him he lost his wife, the mother of his two sons.

Cornelius will have to live a life without a mother.

Rage filled him along with determination to avenge his late wife.

As soon as he was well enough to fight, he would take back his rightful place as alpha of his people and show Koba the consequences of ruining not only the peace between human and ape kind but also to know how much pain he has suffered both inside and out.

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