The Fight

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I scrambled up the tower as soon as I heard Caesar and Koba fighting. Ryker and Livius pushed some of the apes away making room for me to run.

The apes gave confused and stunned hoots as I dashed past them to get to Caesar.

I saw Caesar and Koba fall and I heard Blue Eyes hoot worriedly to Caesar.

Caesar looked at Blue Eyes and shook his head, ordering him to back down. Koba screamed in anger when I saw gash on his side, blood was seeping out of his fur.

I gasped when Koba pulled out a metal bar and I gave a loud screech.

My screech must have reached my ears because all eyes turned to me.

Shock was permanently etched on their faces.

Yeah I'm alive, now can you all stop staring, its making me uncomfortable.

Koba was the first one to snap out of his shocked trance and almost bashed Caesar's head if I had not hooted a warning.

Caesar dodged and ran while Koba tried to hit him. The apes hooted and followed after the fighting pair.

Livius, Ryker and I met up with Blue Eyes, Maurice, Rocket and Luca.


Blue Eyes and I shared a brief hug before I turned my attention to Koba and Caesar. We climbed up on a round top and watched them fight.

"Trusted Koba, my brother"

Caesar spoke as he placed a white grid in front of him as a shield. Koba bashed the metal bar against it.

"Caesar, brother... To Human!"


"Koba Fight For Ape!"


"Free Ape!"


Caesar leaned near his face and whatever he said set Koba off that he hit the grid away from Caesar.

I prepared to defend Caesar as soon as Koba brought the metal bar up did Caesar jab his wounded side.

We gave hooted gasps as they continued to battle barehanded. Koba pounded on Caesar's back chimp style until Caesar punched his wounded side again.

Koba stumbled back and clutched his wounded side and Caesar stumbled back a bit before standing up straight.

I thought Caesar was going to win but Koba pushed a construction stand that shook the ground and I watched in horror as Caesar fell but I sighed with relief when he grabbed a chain and prevented himself from falling down to his death.

Koba jumped and grabbed a hanging chain and the two began their fight dangling dangerously off the tower.

I just hope Blue Eyes, Ryker and Livius doesn't try this once we rebuild our home.

I suddenly felt the ground shaking and I hooted out a warning and it didn't take long before a huge explosion came from beneath us and the structure that was still not yet finished shook dangerously.

We a screamed when debris came tumbling down on us and we took cover. Unfortunately, I lost my balance and fell. Blue Eyes screeched and I immediately jumped up and down from the falling debris and landed on a ledge.

I curled myself into a ball as droplets of concrete fell. Ringing was all I heard until my ears cleared and I heard the sound of apes screaming for help.

I pushed a block of concrete away and helped out the injured and checked those who were still breathing.

I searched around for my brothers and my son as well as my husband until gunshots appeared.

I ducked for cover as bullets suddenly aimed itself towards me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Ryker and Livius take cover beside a concrete wall and Blue Eyes throwing a pile of metal bars at Koba and the scarred ape roared in anger.

I watched in horror as he aimed it at my son and I was about to scream out as a distraction when Maurice pushed Blue Eyes away, taking the hit instead of him.

I hooted in panic when Maurice fell.


Blue Eyes hooted and crawled towards him. He gasped when blood from the orangutan's head gushed out.

Caesar roared and jumped for Koba and the two rumbled to the ground.

Koba fell but managed to grasp a metal bar. Caesar slowly stood up and looked at Koba.

Koba recited "Ape not kill...Ape" Caesar didn't say anything but grabbed his hand and slowly hauled him up.

Caesar stopped and saw his people looking at him with uncertainty. His gaze went to Maurice who clutched his head in pain.

He closed his eyes before opening them again. He made his decision.

"You...are...not ape"

Shock was in Koba's face and Caesar released his hand.


Koba screamed as he fell, breaking his skull in the process. No one said anything until Rocket gave a mournful hoot did the others followed.

Koba may brought chaos to both ape and human kind but he was a brother to Caesar.

Caesar watched the place where Koba died for a moment before he stood up and searched the area for a familiar face.

Where was Kira?


Seeing Koba fall made me feel sadness. For Caesar to lose a brother, for Blue Eyes and Cornelius to lose an uncle and for Koba, he lost himself to hate and revenge against humans it had clouded his mind.

I heard female hoots and I immediately went to them. I spotted Amy carrying little Cornelius and she handed him to me as soon as I reached.

I gave her a grateful smile and walked back towards Caesar.

The apes saw me and parted for me to pass. Maurice gave me a smile and I smiled back, I nodded to Luca and Rocket.

Ryker and Livius patted me in the back and I stopped as soon as Caesar turned his head to me after he hugged Blue Eyes.

We froze and I once again got lost into his emerald eyes, just like before.


Caesar was thankful Malcolm informed him of the coming humans. He really was a good man.

Blue Eyes walked up to him and hugged his father in relief, he was thankful his family is safe again.

He stopped and pulled away once he saw mother approaching them. He gestured his father to turn around.

And just like that, Caesar was lost in Kira's jade eyes just like before when they first met.

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