Special day

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(Y/n) groaned as she heard a pounding at her door. She glanced at her clock. 9 a.m. That was still way to early for her. "What?" She hollered drowsily. Kai chuckled and burst into the room with his sister. "Happy birthday (y/n)!" They yelled.

She jumped at the sudden loudness, But a big smile grew on her lips. "You remembered." She said looking at Kai with admiration. "Of course I remembered, you're my best friend." He went over to her. His muscular arms wrapping around her. (Y/n) smiled more, hugging him back. She took in his wonderful scent. "Thank you, both of you." She said addressing Nya's part in it as well. "Your welcome." Nya spoke, leaning against the wall.

Kai looked at (y/n). He admired her cute morning face, and her messy hair. He smiled, his eyes in a dreamy gaze. "What?" (Y/n)  asked looking at him.

She noticed something was different about him. He was radiating happiness. He never stopped smiling. He joked around and was always by (y/n)'s side. She liked this change in him. It made him that more attractive.

Kai sat at her beds edge, the mattress was sagging under the weight of his body. He turned his head. (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes pierced into his green ones. Blood rushed to his cheeks. His heart pounded as fast as lightning. "I just can't wait to celebrate your birthday."
(Y/n) laughed. "Why? Every year I don't do anything special." She spoke, now fully awake. "Well.." -Kai started- "I may or may not of, planned you a party. Surprise." He finished doing tiny jazz hands. (Y/n) tackled Kai in a hug. "Are you serious?!" She asked, excitement present in her voice. Kai chuckled and kissed her forehead softly. "Of course. Look, I know in the past I wasn't exactly the best friend you could've had. I want to make it up to you. Besides it's your special day, who doesn't want to celebrate?" Kai replied scratching the back of his neck shyly.
"Thank you thank you thank you!"
(Y/n) hummed.
Kai smiled a bright smile. "Your welcome, now get ready. We have a big day ahead of us." He chuckled leaving her room with a smirking Nya, following behind.

Kai shut the door behind them and went to the kitchen to start making her a birthday breakfast. Nya stopped him by tugging at his wrist. He looked at her, confusion spread all over his face. "Yes?" He said raising at brow at his sister. She smirked. Her eyes looked at (y/n)'s door then to Kai. "What was that about?" She asked excitedly. Kai gave her the most confused face ever. "What do you mean?" He asked, his voice raising slightly higher then usual. "You treating (y/n) the way you did... almost like you-" Kai immediately cut her off. "She's my best friend that hasn't changed." He spoke quickly. Nya grinned. "It's clear that your feelings for her has." She said walking away before he said anything else.

Kai's mind raced, as he walked into the kitchen. Nya words kept repeating in his head like a broken record.
Kai slammed his fist onto the table in frustration. He yelped and rubbed his knuckles.

Kai sighed. "Nya's right. She not just my best friend. I want her to be more than that. I finally feel it. I finally feel the love that I thought I knew before. What I felt with the others was infatuation, not love. Yet, always with (y/n) that warm fuzzy feeling never went away. It was long winded, and always remained. I'm in love with her, and this time I know it's love." Kai muttered to himself. "I have to give her my all." He said as he started to prepare her favorite breakfast meal.

Meanwhile, (y/n) had finished taking a shower. She combed her hair as she searched for the perfect birthday outfit. Her eyes spotted something that she never seen before. A note was attached to the hanger.

It read:

Hey (nickname). It's your brother. I just wanted to say Happy birthday and I love you. I got you this outfit and also a new dress to wear to the party tonight. I hope you like them. See you tonight.

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