The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 28

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I took a deep breath - he hadn't killed me, he had been avenging my death. "John...this isn't you." I said, my voice calm, "this isn't you."

            He looked at me, wide eyed, "who are you?" He asked.

            "It's me, Anna." I said, and I hoped he would belive me, "I dont want you to do this - this isn't right."

            "You're not Anna." He said, holding the little vial of powder over the food.

            "Yes, I am. I came back." I said, "put the vial down." I said, taking a step forward and accidentlly stepping into the shadows. My foot was grabbed by one of the shadows and I was dragged kicking and screaming into John who fell to the ground.

            He screamed as we both slammed into the wall, I heard his bones crack and then the sound of blood pouring from his body as the shadows grabbed at him, pulling and prying, "stop!" I screamed, but it was too late. He was gone, and I was next. The shadows took hold of me again and started to pull my legs and arms, but then stopped. One of them grabbed at my ring - the ring that Red Rover had given to me. The ring flew into the darkness and suddenly I was thrown from the shadows and onto the deck.

            Something had saved me, I relized and then saw a woman standing over me, "where did you get this?" She asked, holding the ring up to me.

            I squinted as July ran over to see if I was alright, I was stunned and didnt answer.

            "Where did you get this?" She asked again, this time putting more force behind her words.

            "Red Rover, he gave it to me - why?" I asked, rubbing my head allowing the events of the past few minutes to sink into my head.

            She sat down beside me, and that was when I saw she had the exact same ring on her hand, "where did you get that?" I asked her, pointing to the matching ring.

            "My father." She said, "he gave it to me before he died."

            I Paused, viewing the girl - she was about five-foot-one with long black hair and bright blue eyes that matched Red Rovers. This was his daughter, I realized - she was one of the shadows. "Red Rover - your father, he gave me the ring. Do you remember what happened to you?" I asked.

            She paused, "my father - he's alive?"

            "No." I said, "he's in heaven. Do you remember?"

            She looked at me puzzled and suddenly her eyes went wide, "I remember - I died, and then - I have done horrible things." She said, "why did I do such horrible things? It was like I was in a trance - like it wasn't me. Then, I saw the ring.." she looked down at her hand, "and then, it was like it all came back." She paused.

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